Human populations. Aim To understand the factors affecting human population size To review age population pyramids and survival curves To interpret data.


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Presentation transcript:

Human populations

Aim To understand the factors affecting human population size To review age population pyramids and survival curves To interpret data on demographic transition To complete a summary diagram

England population stats What happened here that might cause a dramatic increase in population size?

What has caused an increase in human population over the last 300 years in the UK? Development of agriculture Industrial revolution

Population size Affected by birth and death rates Immigration and emigration. Can you write an equation to connect these? Pop growth = (births + im) – (deaths + emig)

On lined paper - Population size % population growth = Pop change x 100 (in a given period) pop at start Now answer summary question 2 page 23

On your whiteboards What factors might affect the birth rate of a population? What factors might affect the death rate of a population?

Factors affecting birth rate Economic conditions Cultural and religious background Social pressures and conditions Birth control Political factors Why might values for birth rate in different countries be given per 1000? Copy the equation page 21 for birth rate.

Factors affecting death rate Age profile Life expectancy at birth Food supply Medical care Natural disasters War Copy the equation page 21 for death rate

Percentage population and age.

Age population pyramids

Fill in the blanks on page 18in your booklet, using pages in the text book

Survival curves…

Add to page 19

Average life expectancy Age at which 50% of the individuals in a population are alive

Demographic transition S:\Staff Resources\Biology\Modules\Year 13 New Spec\Module 4\Handbooks\Summer booklet 2013.docx S:\Staff Resources\Biology\Modules\Year 13 New Spec\Module 4\Handbooks\Summer booklet 2013.docx

Group work Consider the graph in your booklet. Draw a big version on A3 paper (just a sketch) Now try to fill in any comments/reasons for the differences you see. To consider….. Access to medical facilities Birth control Religious beliefs Sociological factors – why might communities in rural areas have large families? Economic factors

trans/demtran.htm trans/demtran.htm

..\..\..\..\..\Year 13 New Spec\Module 4\Activities\environment\STAGES IN DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION completed.doc..\..\..\..\..\Year 13 New Spec\Module 4\Activities\environment\STAGES IN DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION completed.doc

Complete summary q 3 p 23 and mark yourself Application page 22 and 23 Complete qs 3 and 4 from p 25 A2 book.

Question 3 (a)(i) more people survive to reproductive age; better pre-natal care / health care of mother; better nutrition of mother (ii) better nutrition; better sanitation; (widespread) introduction of health care; better post-natal care (mother or child); vaccination programmes

b) i) birth rate decreasing; as the death rate is constant but births minus deaths are falling ii) reduces population growth until 1989/90 as more net emigration; increases population growth from 1989/90 as more net immigration

Question 4 a) i) A – high proportion of young, decreasing proportion in successively older groups / low proportion of older people; B – approximately same ii) A - a large base to pyramid / high proportion of young / high birth rate

b) birth rate and death rate; emigration and immigration

Homework Second set of Questions from Cherryl’s section of moodle.