Conformity assessment – some examples: cement, high pressure laminates, ceramic tiles
Cement – EN and EN Attestation of Conformity is System 1+, product certification, but with audit testing limited to the factory. ALL characteristics in the standard are required by Annex ZA, so the Certification Body is responsible for all characteristics and FPC, which much cover all characteristics. EN and EN are prescriptive and comprehensive, so this is an ‘easy’ standard requiring little ‘interpretation’.
Cement – EOC examples Auto-control testing (Initial Type Testing and Factory Production Control): Early strength: all cement types tested, method EN 196-1, minimum test frequency 2/week routine, 4/week for initial period of a new cement type, inspection by variables. Loss on ignition: CEM I, CEM III, method EN 196-2, minimum test frequency 2/month routine, 1/week for initial period of a new cement type, inspection by attributes.
Cement – Testing Option of: Inspection by variables X – k A · s ≥ L and X + k A · s ≤ U Inspection by attributes C D ≤ C A Together with Single result conformity criteria, e.g. Initial setting time, 32,5N = 60 minutes lower limit value
Cement – Factory Production Control Permanent internal control of cement production by the manufacturer consisting of internal quality control and auto-control of samples: Works quality manual: policy and procedures, IQC: process control; measuring and testing; and handling, storage, packaging and delivery, Auto-control testing of samples: sampling and testing; corrective action, measuring and testing equipment; and quality records.
Cement summary EOC rules for cement appear complex but are, in fact, prescriptive and easy to apply. Requires Notified Product Certification Body, with access to inspection and test facilities. Manufacturer needs test equipment. Testing has to be fully in line with provisions of EN
HPL – EN Intended usesLevels or classesAOC systems As internal or external finishes, as complete elements, used for fire protection of walls or ceilings See EN As internal or external finishes in walls or ceilings, subject to reaction to fire regulations B* and C* B**, C**, D and E D*** and F As internal or external finishes subject to regulations on dangerous substances -3 As internal or external finishes in walls or ceilings for all uses other than those described above -4
HPL – AOC System 1 Product Certification Body has responsibility for ensuring that all tasks are performed: Product Certification Body: tests reaction to fire (Classes B and C)*, inspects FPC and is responsible for sampling for all characteristics. Manufacturer operates FPC. Notified Test Laboratory: tests resistance to fire, release of dangerous substances, flexural tensile strength (if relevant). Manufacturer: tests any other characteristics. NOTE: Not all characteristics of the hEN are subject to AOC.
HPL – AOC System 3 Manufacturer has responsibility for all tasks: Notified Test Laboratory: tests reaction to fire (Classes D, E and F)**, resistance to fire, release of dangerous substances, flexural tensile strength (if relevant). Manufacturer: tests all other relevant characteristics. Manufacturer: operates FPC. NOTE: Product cannot be in reaction to fire Class (B or C)*.
HPL – AOC System 4 Manufacturer has responsibility for all tasks: Manufacturer: tests all relevant characteristics (water vapour permeability, resistance to fixings, airborne sound insulation, bonding strength, thermal conductivity, thermal shock resistance and durability). Manufacturer: operates FPC. NOTE: Characteristics reaction to fire (Classes D, E and F)**, resistance to fire, release of dangerous substances and flexural tensile strength cannot be relevant. No Notified Body intervention.
HPL – EOC provisions Initial type testing: - frequency defined by test methods. Factory production control: - possible use of ISO 9001, - equipment; raw materials and components; inspection and testing status; traceability, - product testing and evaluation: resistance to fixings, bonding strength, formaldehyde and durability 1 test/year; other characteristics 1 test/5 years.
HPL – Certificate of conformity - name, address and identification number of the certification body, - name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and place of production, - description of the product (type, identification, use,...), - provisions to which the product conforms (i.e. Annex ZA of this EN) and reference to ITT test report and FPC reports where appropriate, - particular conditions applicable to the use of the product (e.g. provisions for use under certain conditions), - the number of the certificate, - conditions and period of validity of the certificate, where applicable, - name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the certificate.
HPL – Declaration of Conformity - name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and place of production, - description of the product (type, identification, use,...), and a copy of the information accompanying the CE marking, - provisions to which the product conforms (i.e. Annex ZA of this EN) and reference to ITT test report and FPC reports where appropriate, - particular conditions applicable to the use of the product (e.g. provisions for use under certain conditions), - name and address of the notified laboratory(ies), - name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative.
HPL – CE marking CE conformity marking, consisting of the "CE" symbol given in Directive 93/68/EEC Any Co Ltd, PO Box 21, B Name or identifying mark and registered address of the producer Last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed EN HPL composite panels for use on internal walls and ceilings Reaction to fire: Euroclass D-s2,d0 Fire resistance: NPD Water vapour permeability: NPD Face screw-holding: 1800 N Direct airborne sound insulation: NPD Bonding strength: 1,6 MPa Thermal resistance: NPD Pentachlorophenol content: 5 ppm Release of formaldehyde: Class E1 Durability: Glue-line quality - rating 5; Resistance to elevated temperature - No effect; Water resistance - 9% No. of this European Standard Description of product and information on regulated characteristics
HPL - Conclusions High Pressure Laminates need availability of a Product Certification Body (do they?). They need one or more Notified Test Laboratories (probably). Manufacturer needs test equipment or access to it. FPC provisions not defined as tightly as for cement.
Ceramic tiles – EN Only for release of cadmium and lead (when required by legislation) will system 3 of attestation of conformity be adopted, the task for the notified test laboratory being limited to the initial type testing for this characteristic. Intended usesLevel(s) or class(es)AOC systems For internal uses including enclosed public transport premises A1 fl *** and F4 For external uses and road finishes to cover external pedestrian and vehicular circulation areas –4 Products subject to dangerous substances regulations 1) –3
Ceramic tiles – EOC examples “For testing, tiles may be grouped into families where it is considered that the results for one or more characteristics from any one item in the family are representative for all items within that family of testing (a product may be in different families for different characteristics).” “Tests previously performed in accordance with this standard (same product, same characteristic(s), test method, sampling procedure, system of attestation of conformity, etc.) may be taken into account.” “Indirect testing or test methods different from those used for ITT are allowed, if a relationship between the FPC test method and the ITT method (e.g. controls carried out on the production line) is established.”
Conclusions for ceramic tiles Notified Test Laboratory required only for dangerous substances. EOC is described in sufficient detail. EN has the benefit of including “families”, “previous test results” and “indirect and alternative test methods”.
General conclusions Once the general principles are understood, AoC and EoC under the CPD are easy!! All the requirements for conformity are given in harmonised ENs. Not all characteristics in an hEN are subject to AoC. Not all products require certification and not all products require the intervention of a Notified Body. The same product might have a different AoC system depending on which characteristics the manufacturer declares (i.e. the end use).