Assessments: Summative, Formative, and Interim By: Scott Flynn
What is the Purpose of Assessments?
Why We Assess Data To learn where students are at currently To determine where to go next To reflect on our instruction and make alterations based on the results of the assessment To track student achievement
Kinds of Assessments There are three types of assessment used in schools: 1. Summative Assessment 1. Formative Assessment 1. Interim Assessment
Summative Assessments “Usually given once at the end of a designated unit of time such as the semester or school year. “ “Purpose is to evaluate students’ performance against a defined set of content standards.” “Assessments typically are given statewide” (can be national or district wide also). Used as part of an accountability program or to otherwise inform policy. The least flexible of the assessments. (Perie, Marion, Gong, & Wurtzel, 2007, p. 4)
Types of Summative Assessments Florida Standard Assessment End of Course Exams (EOC’s) AP Exams
Formative Assessments “A process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes.” “Done by the teacher in the classroom for the explicit purpose of diagnosing where students are in their learning, where gaps in knowledge and understanding exist, and how to help teachers and students improve student learning” “Embedded within the learning activity and linked directly to the current unit of instruction.” (Perie, Marion, Gong, & Wurtzel, 2007, p. 4)
Formative Assessments “Assessments are small scale (a few seconds, a few minutes) and short-cycle” “Providing corrective feedback, modifying instruction to improve the student’s understanding, or indicating areas of further instruction are essential aspects of a classroom formative assessment.” (Perie, Marion, Gong, & Wurtzel, 2007, p. 4)
Types of Formative Assessments Ticket Out the Door/Exit Ticket Plickers Whiteboard Teacher Observation Anecdotal Notes/Records
Ticket Out the Door A quick check-in to determine the level of individual student understanding based on the objective of the lesson taught. Can be given in a written format or verbally. Multiple choice format is common.
Plickers “Plickers is a powerfully simple tool that lets teachers collect real- time formative assessment data without the need for student devices.” “Plickers grew out of a shared belief that teachers shouldn’t have to teach blind, data doesn’t have to be overwhelming, and students shouldn’t be afraid of being wrong.” “We believe that deep learning can happen when we measure our progress and use data as a starting point, not just an ending metric.”
Plickers Incorporates technology with a quick formative assessment. Students are given a number with an attached unique QR code. The cards are held in different directions for students to select their answer.
Plickers Card
Plickers The teachers smart phone or tablet scan the codes and the results are instantly placed on the teachers phone for immediate feedback.
Whiteboard Whiteboards are used to determine student understanding and application of the lesson objective immediately. The students show their thinking/answers on the whiteboards and hold them up for review. The teacher is able to scan and check for comprehension quickly and identify students in need of additional support.
Teacher Observation/ Anecdotal Records The purpose of these assessments are to gather daily information about student progress and understanding toward meeting the standard. Observations/Anecdotal records help the teacher determine areas of learning that are a priority based on student understanding. Observations/Anecdotal records help with lesson planning, determining skills to teach reteach, and identify students in need of reteaching and creating small group.
Interim Assessments “Assessments that fall between formative and summative assessments” “Evaluate students’ knowledge and skills relative to a specific set of academic goals, typically within a limited time frame.” “Designed to inform decisions at both the classroom and beyond the classroom level, such as the school or district level.” “The timing of the test is usually controlled by the school or district, which makes these assessments less instructionally relevant than formative assessments. “Results can be meaningfully aggregated and reported at a broader level.” (Perie, Marion, Gong, & Wurtzel, 2007, p. 4)
Types of Interim Assessments District Quarterly Assessments Unit Assessments i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment Running Records
Making an Effective Assessment Four key ingredients can comprise a practical quality-control framework for classroom teachers (Stiggins, Arter, Chappuis, & Chappuis, 2004; as cited in Stiggins, 2007, p. 14). Four Key Qualities 1. Clear Purpose 2. Clear Targets 3. Accurate Assessment 4. Effective Communication (Stiggins, 2007, p )
Using Assessments Effectively Use the data to learn where the student(s) are currently towards mastery of the assessed standard. Build students confidence levels. Student goal-setting (Progression Ladders) Guide the development of lessons and units.
References: Perie, M., Marion, S., Gong, B., Wurtzel, J. (2007). The role of interim assessments in a comprehensive assessment system. Retrieved from: Marion%2C%20Ging%2%20%26%20Wurtzel%20Policy%20Brief. Plickers. (2015). Plickers. Stiggins, R. (2007). Conquering the formative assessment frontier. Retrieved from: blackboard/execute/content/file?cmd=view&account_id= _1&course_id=_ _1.