Info Writing 1.14 Strategy: Writers introduce their topics clearly.
Dear Writers, Yesterday, we learned how to include transitional words and phrases to link our ideas. Today we will learn how to introduce our topics clearly.
Here’s The Scoop! Many informational texts have introductions that explain what the book will be about. A well-written introduction is clear and helps the reader know what is important. Clear introductions: Grab the reader’s attention, provide an overview of the topic, and start the reader thinking about the topic. Watch Mrs. Wilson in the next segment as she reads aloud the introduction of her book. Many books do not specifically use the word introduction in the heading of the introduction. However, we all ARE going to use this word in our own introductions.
Mrs. Wilson Presents! oxylM
Your Mission Many informational texts have introductions that explain what the book will be about. A well-written introduction is clear and helps the reader know what is important. Clear introductions: Grab the reader’s attention, provide an overview of the topic, and start the reader thinking about the topic. THINK about your book topic and what you might include in your introduction. Share with a partner and then off to writing!
Sharing Time Anyone who would like to share their Introduction?