PLAYWRIGHTS WE LOVE! You will all do wonderfully on the exit exam!
RULES Miss Horn has elected herself the official question reader and is responsible for using fair judgment in all decision making. The room will be divided into two teams comprised of students in the room. Try to make them even in both skill and numbers. The final question is going to be for both teams and they will wager their points before they answer- not unlike jeopardy.
RULES CONTINUED Each Team will be provided with a bell. To answer the question you must be the first to ring your bell. AFTER the question is read. If the bell rung BEFORE the question is completed the opposite team will automatically be given the chance to answer. When given the chance to answer each team will have 10 seconds to answer the question. If right, the team will score a point. If wrong, no points will be rewarded and the other team will be given the chance to answer and steal the point. If no one answers check and discuss. THE GAME WILL BEGIN AFTER THIS SLIDE.
QUESTION #1 Who wrote Oedipus?
ANSWER #1 Sophocles
QUESTION #2 What realistic playwright placed on stage the lazy chaos of lives that have been crushed by life’s absurdities, missed opportunities, and the steamroller of time?
ANSWER #2 Anton Chekhov
QUESTION #3 Who won the Pulitzer Prize for ‘night Mother and continues to write plays, lyrics and musical “books”?
ANSWER #3 Marsha Norman
QUESTION #4 He was one of the leading figures in 20 th century French philosophy, existentialism, and Marxism, and his work continues to influence fields such as Marxist philosophy, sociology, critical theory, and literary studies.
ANSWER #4 Jean Paul Sartre
QUESTION #5 Who is author of several books of short stories, essays, and memoirs, and received the Pulitzer Prize of Drama in 1979 for his play Buried Child?
ANSWER #5 Sam Shepard
QUESTION #6 A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.
ANSWER #6 Tragedy
QUESTION #7 What American playwright is most well-known for writing Our Town (Expressionism) and Skin of Our Teeth?
ANSWER #7 Thornton Wilder
QUESTION #8 What Greek TRAGIC playwright questioned the idea of “fate?”
ANSWER #8 Euripides
QUESTION #9 What playwright was a spy for Queen Elizabeth and was more popular than Shakespeare during this time?
ANSWER #9 Christopher Marlowe
QUESTION #10 Who was known for writing Comedy of Manners, for his brilliant wit and writing The Importance of Being Earnest?
ANSWER #10 Oscar Wilde
QUESTION #11 Who was an African American playwright, best known for writing A Raisin in the Sun? (Which was inspired by her family's legal battle against racially segregated housing laws in the Washington Park Subdivision of the South Side of Chicago during her childhood).
ANSWER #11 Lorraine Hansberry
QUESTION #12 Name a Roman Comedic Playwright.
ANSWER #12 Plautus or Terrance
QUESTION #13 An America playwright whose work was simultaneously praised and denounced for addressing raw subject matter in a straightforward realistic way. Famous for writing Streetcar Named Desire and The Glass Menagerie.
ANSWER #13 Tennessee Williams
QUESTION #14 French playwright and actor from the late 1600’s, who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of COMEDY in Western literature.
ANSWER #14 Moliere
QUESTION #15 A Greek COMEDIC playwright?
ANSWER #15 Aristophanes
QUESTION #16 An African American playwright who is known for many instances of controversies in his work and his passion for social justice. Wrote The Dutchman and many poems.
ANSWER #16 LeRoi Jones/ Amiri Baraka
QUESTION #17 Roman TRAGIC playwright. He brought violence on the stage.
ANSWER #17 Seneca
QUESTION #18 Who wrote “high comedies” socially relevant plays that had an intellectual scope so vast they forced audiences to reassess their values. He argued that the prime function of playwrights is to expose the social and moral evils of their time.
ANSWER #18 George Bernard Shaw
QUESTION #19 An American playwright whose literary legacy is a series of ten plays, The Pittsburgh Cycle, which depicts the comic and tragic aspects of the African American experience in the twentieth century.
ANSWER #19 August Wilson
FINAL QUESTION Name two Theatre of the Absurd Playwrights and one play that they wrote.
FIN Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Christopher Durang Waiting for Godot, Rhinoceros, The Marriage of Bette and Boo
SURPRISE EXTRA 3 POINTS This playwright is known for his style of writing dialogue, marked by a cynical, street-smart edge, precisely crafted for effect, is so distinctive that it came to be called _______speak. He often uses italics and quotation marks to highlight particular words and to draw attention to his characters' frequent manipulation and deceitful use of language. His characters frequently interrupt one another, their sentences trail off unfinished, and their dialogue overlaps?
David Mamet