Different Landforms Chapter 3, Lesson 2
Landforms are the natural structures or features on Earth’s surface. Landforms are the natural structures or features on Earth’s surface.
Changes to landforms Many of the changes on Earth’s surface are the result of weathering, erosion and deposition. Many of the changes on Earth’s surface are the result of weathering, erosion and deposition. Earth’s surface is constantly exposed to wind, water and ice which cause changes to landforms. Earth’s surface is constantly exposed to wind, water and ice which cause changes to landforms.
weathering Weathering is the breaking down of rock on the surface of the earth, usually by the force of water, wind, or ice. Weathering is the breaking down of rock on the surface of the earth, usually by the force of water, wind, or ice.
erosion Erosion occurs when wind, water, or ice carry small pieces of dirt or rock away from one area to another. Erosion occurs when wind, water, or ice carry small pieces of dirt or rock away from one area to another.
deposition Deposition occurs when particles or sediment are left behind in a new place. Deposition occurs when particles or sediment are left behind in a new place.
Types of Landforms 1. Mountain7. Island 2. Valley8. Lake 3. Plain9. River 4. Plateau 10. Delta 5. Sand Dune 11. Glacier 6. Coast
mountain A mountain is a place on Earth’s surface that is much higher than the land around it.
Changes over time Over a long period of time, weathering will cause mountains to gradually become hills. Over a long period of time, weathering will cause mountains to gradually become hills. This weathering is caused by wind, water and ice This weathering is caused by wind, water and ice Wind, water, and ice slowly wear away the rock and make the mountain peaks more rounded. Wind, water, and ice slowly wear away the rock and make the mountain peaks more rounded.
valley A valley is a low area between higher lands such as mountains.
Valleys are separated by water and ice Over very long periods of time, rivers and glaciers cut a path across the Earth leaving behind valleys between mountain peaks.
plain A plain is a flat area on Earth’s surface.
plain A plain is formed when the rock making up the land gradually is worn away by weathering. Wind and water cause this weathering.
Formation of a plateau A plateau is a formed when moving water and wind erode a part of a mountain leaving behind some of the rock.
plateau A plateau is a flat area higher than the land around it.
sand dune A sand dune is shaped by blowing winds.
coast A coast is the area where the ocean touches the land.
island An island is land that has water all around it.
lake A lake is water that has land all around it.
river A river is a long flowing body of water.
deltas A delta is a usually triangular shaped deposit of sediments at the mouth of a river. A delta is a usually triangular shaped deposit of sediments at the mouth of a river.
deltas As a river loses energy, it drops dirt and sediment to create a delta. As a river loses energy, it drops dirt and sediment to create a delta. This area creates rich farm land. This area creates rich farm land.
Definition: a large ice mass that moves slowly down a mountain or across land Can be found on every continent FUN FACT - Two types: 1. alpine glaciers that are found in mountains and 2. continental glaciers that cover large parts of a continent
Ice wedging Water can freeze in cracks of rock and cause the rock to break. This is a form of weathering.
Now let’s review!
A _________ is water with land all around it. A. Ocean B. Island C. Lake Hint
A _______ is higher than the land around it. A. Island B. Mountain C. Valley Hint
What is a flowing body of water? A. Plateau B. Lake C. River Hint
I am land and have water all around me. What am I? A. I sland B. C oast C. D elta Hint
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