Quail In the Classroom Project 2014 Archbishop Damiano School St. John of God Community Services
The Quail Eggs Arrived on April 10
They traveled in a special foam egg carrier to our school.
The eggs were put into a warm and humid incubator.
After 23 days the eggs started to hatch.
More quail hatched.
And a lot more quail hatched.
They moved from the incubator to a warm brooder box.
67 chicks are in the brooder box.
They learned to drink water.
They took naps after eating food.
Everyone helped grind the food
And fix the water.
Soon the chicks were too big for the brooder box, so they went into a playpen.
And then they needed 2 playpens!
They ate kale for a special treat.
They grew and grew and grew!
Everyone loved the quail!
Everyone helped take care of the quail.
We learned a lot! We took a quail test.
Goodbye, quail friends! We will miss you.