Born in Frankfurt Born in Frankfurt Lived United Kingdom 4 years and work with Raymond Unwin Lived United Kingdom 4 years and work with Raymond Unwin Garden City Movement Garden City Movement Technical University of Munich Technical University of Munich Worked with Theodor Fischer Worked with Theodor Fischer Co-founder of Deutsche Weekbund (German Association of Craftsman) Co-founder of Deutsche Weekbund (German Association of Craftsman) In Breslau, experimented with methods of pre-fabrication In Breslau, experimented with methods of pre-fabrication Became a director of city planner for Munich in 1925 Became a director of city planner for Munich in 1925 Spent many years in Africa Spent many years in Africa Came back to Germany Came back to Germany
Theodor Fischer
Germany was suffered because of First World War. Frankfurt population was tried to increase and it was successful. Town and housing sectors were not enough for citizens. People couldn’t find a house easily in terms of economy or needs. The German economy affected from war. Because of this, the government made a law to produce the housing. Hauszinsstuer Act in 1924 included taxes homeowners in local area. The taxes were created a fund to built a city and Ernst May became director of this city planning.
Minimal spaces maximum efficiency Minimal spaces maximum efficiency Concept of standardization and pre-fabrication Concept of standardization and pre-fabrication Needs of citizens Needs of citizens
In Frankfurt on the Main Project, practical and idealistic aims were happened successfully. 26 settlements were placed along the Nidda River Valley. They planned with unique land use, city planning, management concept, built-in element, revolutionary element The settlement included flat roof, zigzag site layout, reflecting pool, sun loggia, wide bands of colors. These aim and elements were very radical decisions in that period. All decisions could applied under the idea of modernization. Whole Project was designed in a holistic approach. May defined the area for agricultural use and it could serve as a green belt it separated the older city. Wohn Kultur concept applied as a local cooperative store, day care centers, common using areas, community areas, shopping centers, playground, guests house, schools and theaters.
Small units, small rooms, small kitchen and also small furnitures were designed. Small kitchen called as Frankfurt Kitchen. Best example about the using space efficiently was the kitchen. It was designed by Frau Grete Lihotsky. Both sides are useful and there is sliding door which supports the entrance of living room. The kitchen has all normal applications and fixtures. It designed with a compact spatial arrangement. It was unusual for Europe but it became popular for modern kitchen design.
The construction concomitantly, May was in 1926 together with magazine ‘Das Neue Frankfurt’ out, which was to serve as a mouth piece and the wide and easily information to the public. In it, he advocated a shift away from absolute residential and design ideas. He was in charge of the municipally controlled limited dividend house construction cooperatives and edited the architectural magazine.
English garden city concept is the first example about it. The aim was to create balance individual and community needs and creation of new suburban town of limited size. The other words, the aim was to control overcrowded town after Industrial Revolution. It included library, museum, school, commercial and residential areas. The plans were regularly geometrical circular and there was centralization. The houses reflect the English traditions.
May rationalized their garden city concept. Designers developed layouts for gardening. Landscape architects designed garden colonies and integrated in to the Project. Structures were fix in a natural environment. Garden colonies were designed in terms of shortages and wohn kultur. These are connected people with the natural environment in cultural sense. It allowed to the people to grow own food. Walkways, bicycle paths, sports areas, forest area designed to to support common area and ideas.
Many politicians, journalists and social instructions support the idea of Garden City in Germany. Here is an example.