How to Make a Badge *All manufacturers must read this TWICE before attempting to make their badges! Press F5 (on the upper part of your keyboard) to begin.
Cutting Out the Artwork – 1” Size If you are cutting out the artwork for the small, 1” size, your only choice is to use the red circle cutter. *Remember—the circle cutter has a BLADE in it, which allows it to cut. Don’t play with it unnecessarily or you may cut yourself!
Cutting Out the Artwork – 1” Size Place the cutter over your artwork, making sure that everything IMPORTANT that you want to be seen on your badge and not tucked around the edges is within the inner circle.
Cutting Out the Artwork – 1” Size *Make sure that you are cutting over the cutting matt and NOT the table! Press the red cutter firmly to the paper with one hand, then using the other, press and turn the handle in a circle. Press firmly, but not too hard or too soft.
Cutting Out the Artwork – 2” size This same technique also applies to the blue circle cutter for the 2” size. If you are more comfortable using this method, that is alright. OR, you for the 2” size, you can use the automatic circle cutter.
Cutting Out the Artwork – 2” size You’ll note that your designs have an outer circle. Place your paper in the cutter so that the outer circle lines up with the circle of the inner plastic cover. Close the cutter, and press down on the handle. Next, press the CUT button—DO NOT HOLD IT DOWN. Just push it and then continue to hold down the lever.
Cutting Out the Artwork – 2” size Close the cutter, and press down on the handle. Next, press the CUT button—DO NOT HOLD IT DOWN. Just push it and then continue to hold down the lever.
Two Types of Badges There are two types of badges you can make. Although the step process is the same, the materials used look different. Pin-Backs Spin-backs
Size In the pictures, I will be using the size 2 machine—but all steps apply to both machines. Note, though, that you cannot make spin-back badges in the 1” size.
Pin- Backs
Step One: Materials First, gather all materials required. There are four parts. – The Shell – The Pin-Back – The Art Work – The Transparent Cover
Step Two: Place in Order Now you are ready to put each element in the machine in the correct order. – 1: Put the Pin-back in, with the “squiggle-side” up.
– 2: Place the Shell in, with the pointy sides facing DOWN. – 3:Place the artwork in, face up, facing YOU. – 4: Place the transparent cover over the top. Make sure it’s all in an not shifted over the lip.
– 5: MAKE SURE THE LEVER IS PRESSED TO 1! If you miss this step, you will FOR SURE have a loss. – 6: Using the large level, press the machine down until you hear a click. Step Three: 1 st Press
– 7: PRESS THE LEVER TO 2. Again—missing this step will result in a CERTAIN loss, so don’t skip it! After the first time you press it, make sure that the pin-back is still in the bottom cavity of the machine. The shell, artwork, and transparent cover should be in the top half of the machine. If it’s NOT there, you need to pull it down and put it in place. Step Four: The 2 nd Press
– 8: Press the lever a second time. This time it won’t go down quite as far and there won’t be a click, but you should feel it sort of press into place. Make SURE you press down as far as it will go, or the two sides won’t stick together and you will have a loss. – 9: Done! Now, just press the eject lever and it will pop out your button! All done!
Step One: Materials Spin-backs have all the same components, but they look a little different. Remember, spin backs “spin” like a top. First, gather all materials required. There are four parts. – The Shell – The Spin-back – The Artwork – The Transparent Cover
Step Two: Place in Order Now you are ready to put each element in the machine in the correct order. – 1: Put the spin-back in, with the pointed end sticking down. It will later spin on this point. – 2: Put the other elements in the same way as with a pin- back. Shell, sharp edges down, the artwork facing you, and the transparent cover
Step 3: Make the Badge – 3: Follow the other steps the same way as in a Pin- back—Put the lever to one, press. Put the lever to 2 (making sure the magnet-back is in the bottom cavity) and press again. Press the exit lever to get the button out of the machine.
Step 4: Spin it! – 4: Get addicted to spinning it over and over until you get hypnotized. Heck yes.
Thank you for reading!