Private Sector Development in the Caribbean: tools for dynamism Workshop for Caribbean Competitiveness Authorities ACF Trinidad, 2014
A region with declining long-term growth, large debts, and growing fiscal deficits The Caribbean
Why dynamic PSD? 1.Dynamic firms: >10% rate growth x 3 years 2.Responsible for most new jobs (+ prod gains)
3. Dynamism driven by innovation 4. Innovation thrives in eco-system of support: finance + technical assistance + regulation Availability of K R&D Start-up, sustainability and expansionOperation and Consolidation R&D funding Angels Mentors Seed capital VC funding Credit Business environment: regulation + taxes Eco-system of support
5. Dynamic firms rapidly hit limits of the domestic market Early exports important
InvestAmericas – finance, technical assistance, knowledge about other markets PROTEQIN – what regulatory hurdles do firms face? What has improved over time? Large Regional Firms – what are some of the successful strategies that dynamic Caribbean firms have used to internationalize? Tools for the region