What can Paul’s writings tell us about his understanding of the Christian life AFTER conversion? Philippians 3:1-14 page 1381
Be joyful because 1.We are saved by grace 2.Nothing is more precious than knowing Jesus 3.Life is a race for a prize that we haven’t yet reached (v12-14) PAST PRESENT FUTURE
What do we know about Paul? Young man (Acts 8:58) Roman citizen (Acts 16:37)
Life after conversion Carried on tent-making Suffered imprisonment, beatings, shipwreck etc etc Tireless in spreading gospel Called to take good news to non-Jews Prolific letter writer
Paul writing from prison in Rome after 2 years in prison in Caesarea and a shipwreck Word ‘joy’ appears 15 times in 104 verses I have learned the secret of being content no matter what happens (4:12)
For I am convinced that nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are not saved by what we do Even Paul wasn’t good enough! PAST
Rather our good deeds show that we are living out the faith that has saved us PAST
Even more I consider everything to be nothing compared to knowing Christ Jesus my Lord PRESENT
Life is a race for a prize that we haven’t yet reached FUTURE
Something to look forward to (we are citizens of heaven, 3:20) He’s going to help us get there (1:6) We’ve got fellow runners (v13) The Spirit of Jesus Christ will help us (1:19) FUTURE