If Function Freeze and Split Panes Financial Functions
Fill Handle Located bottom right corner of active cell Fill with many different series Days of week Months of the year To create a series Type two numbers in two cells Excel then knows increment of numbers for series Select the cells Use the Fill Handle to drag & create series
Examples of Series Using the Fill Handle Example Contents of Cell(s) Copied Using the Fill Handle Net Three Values of Extended Series 12:003:00, 4:00, 5:00 2Qrt3Qrt4, Qrt1, Qrt2 3Quarter 1Quarter 2, Quarter3, Quarter4 45-Jan, 5-Mar5-May, 5-Jul, 5-Sept 52007, ,2010, ,23,4,5 7430,410390, 370, 350 8SunMon, Tues, Wed 9Sunday, TuesdayThursday, Saturday, Monday 104 th Section 5 th Section, 6 th Section, 7 th Section , , -214, -217
Right-click on the row selector button > Choose insert See next slide for 2 nd option to insert New columns are inserted LEFT of the existing column New rows are inserted ABOVE the existing row
Insert using the Cells Group Find the Cells Group on the Home Tab Notice the tools Use the Insert tool to insert columns and rows Row are inserted above the existing row Columns are inserted to the left of the existing column
Typing a number with a format symbol, such as a $, or % sign turns on a format. Format Symbol Typed in Formula Bar Displays in Cell Comparable Format, 374,149 Comma (0 decimals), 5,388.65,833.60Comma (2 decimals) $$58917$58,917Currency (0 decimals) $$ $58,917.90Currency (2 decimals) %85% Percent (0 decimals) %85.80% Percent (2 decimals) % % Percent (4 decimals)
To help view large worksheets that extend beyond the window Use View Tab> Window Group Two View Tools
Freeze Panes Displays titles on screen no matter how far down or to the right you scroll Split Panes Divides the window into 2 or 4 panes Both options are found in the View Tab
Freeze Panes Excel displays the titles/headings on the screen, no matter how far down or to the right you scroll Freeze Panes Excel displays the titles/headings on the screen, no matter how far down or to the right you scroll
Split Panes Splits window into 2 or 4 panes. Split Panes Splits window into 2 or 4 panes.
A date stamp shows the date a workbook, report, or other document was created or the period it represents. Business documents without a date stamp are meaningless.
Use the Now function to enter the system date tracked by your computer. Syntax of Now function =NOW() Inserts current date and time
Relative – default – B5 References change relative to where the formulas is pasted or filled Absolute – $B$5 Cell reference remains constant when pasted or filled. Does not change. Mixed – B$5 or $B5 Column will change on B$5 and row changes on $B5 when pasted or filled.
Used when you want to assign a value to a cell based on a logical test. Three parts of function
Used when any value or expression that can be evaluated TRUE or FALSE Example of logical tests: B5>50 C10 =“Yes” Syntax for If Function =IF(B5>50,B5+B6,0)
Text used in a logical test must be enclosed by parenthesis H5 =“Yes”
Comparison operators that are use in the logical test of the If Function = Equals <> No equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal to < Less than <= Less than or equal to
H3 assigns the value of cell A7 to cell H3 if the value in cell J7 is less than the value in cell Q2; otherwise, have the IF function assign zero (0) to cell H3. J7<Q2A7 =IF ( J7<Q2, A7, 0) T Value if True Value if False Logical Test/Condition
Formats a cell quickly by copying a cell’s formatting to another cell or range of cells Capitalization is NOT copied with Format Painter
Show trends and variations in a simple chart in a cell
Each slice/wedge shows what percent that slice contributes to the total pie (100%).
To create a chart on its own sheet use the Move tool
Category Names identify the slices of the Pie chart Data Series determine the size of the slices in the pie Category Names and % that piece is of the total pie
Leader lines guide eyes to the pie piece One or more slices that are offset are called exploded
Used to analyze data in a worksheet Data Tab > Data Tools > What-if Analysis
Assumes you can change the value in only one cell to reach a specific goal in another cell
Trace Error indicates a possible error or inconsistency in the formula The reference error appears if a column or row is deleted that is referenced in a formula. #DIV/0 appears when the formula attempts to divide using a cell that is empty. ####### appears when the cell is not wide enough to display the entire entry. =DIV/0