Nine Ideas About Language Clark 5
1. Children learn their L1 swiftly, efficiently, and largely w/o instruction Prewiring? Children are not ‘taught’ to talk Discover underlying rules Not imitation, but hypothesizing By school age, have already learned majority of NL governing rules
2. Language operates by rules Arbitrary - sounds, grammar Agreement among speakers to use features/patterns consistently Variations are still governed by rules, and are mutually intelligible
3. All languages have 3 major components Phonology Lexicon 2 definitions of grammar
4. Everyone speaks a dialect Dialect - variety of a particular language which has a set of distinguishing lexical, phonological, and grammatical rules How do dialects occur? No dialect is inherently superior
5. Speakers of all languages employ a range of styles and a set of sub-dialects or jargons Ability to adjust language forms to social context - part of native understanding Sociolinguistic rules Learned late Jargons Martin Joos - 5 basic styles Halliday - 7 main functions
6. Language change is normal Sounds/grammar change more slowly than lexical changes Causes –Simplification –Regularization –New ideas/inventions –Unknown/spontaneous
7. Languages are intimately related to the societies and individuals who use them L is shaped by its speakers and their needs Conversely, speakers are shaped by their language Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
8. Value judgments about different languages or dialects are matters of taste Every language is a ‘fully formed, logical, rule-governed variant of human speech’ Prestige for the standard is the result of prestige for its speakers/ prejudices of the dominate speech community No intrinsic shortcomings of nonstandard forms
9. Writing is derivative of speech Talking for half a million years, writing less than 5,000 years Only 5% of languages have indigenous writing systems Shifts in formality occur in writing, changes in speech habits are reflected in writing Beliefs about writing are bound to literary tradition
JOURNAL TOPIC ONE: Did you bring any misconceptions/ generalizations/ prejudices about language into this class? Is there anything new you have learned in regards to language? One page, double-spaced, typed response for Wednesday, September 1st