Muscular system
By the end of this session you will be able to: Name the main facial muscles Identify the position and action of facial muscles Label a facial muscle diagram
Frontalis Position forehead Action raises the eyebrows
Corrugator Position Action eyebrows draws the eyebrows together
Position Action temple region raises lower jaw, mastication
Orbicularis occuli Position Action around the eyes controls eyelid movement
Nasalis Position Action sides of the nose/nostrils controls movement of nostrils
Procerus Position Action bridge of the nose wrinkles the skin on the nose
Lavator labii superioris Position Action radiates from upper lip lifts upper lip
Zygomaticus Position Action across the cheek lifts the corner of the lip
Masseter Position Action side of the cheeks mastication
Buccinator Position across the cheek Action compresses cheeks
Risorius Position either side of mouth Action grinning
Depressor anguli oris Position radiates from lower lip Action pulls the corners of the mouth down
Depressor labii inferioris Radiates from lower lip Pushes the lower lip out and up Position Action
Mentalis Middle of chin Raises and protrudes lower lip Position Action
Orbicularis oris Around the lips Controls lip movement Position Action
Platysma Front of neck Pulls lower jaw down Position Action
Sterno cleido mastoid Sides of the neck Moves head side to side Position Action
Pectoralis Chest muscle Adducts arms Position Action
Deltoid Caps the shoulder Abducts arms Position Action
Trapezius Upper back Pulls the scapula back, pulls the head back Position Action
Digastric Position Action Floor of mouth/under the jaw Depresses the mandible
Name the muscle which: Raises the eyebrows Purses the lips-whistling Draws the corners of the lips out Pushes the lower lip up and out Draws the eyebrows together Compresses the cheeks Tenses the neck