Life Style Evaluation Review: Yin/Yang & Clothing Cues Face Shapes Body Types Physical Characteristics (And what to do with what you got!)
Yin & Yang Yin—subordinate, receding, receptive, gentle, soft Yang—dominant, advancing, assertive, authoritative, strong, vigorous
Lifestyle Factors & Clothing Cues What roles do you play? What is your pace of life? What you are wearing sends messages to others. What messages are being sent? What role does your values play?
Personal Style Evaluation Get through this page in the packet today. The quizzes are totally personal. What you put into this unit, you get out of it!
Body Typing Day 2
Face Shapes What are you?
Knowing your face shape is the first step to creating a beautiful look Not sure of your face shape? Pull your hair back / close one eye/ look in a mirror/ trace your face on the mirror
What you are looking for is one of the following: Oval/Ideal Round Square Diamond Oblong/Long Inverted Triangle/Heart
Now that you know your face shape... So What?
Oval This is the shape everyone else is trying towards. Congratulations
Round To make a round face appear oval apply lines that go up the face. This draws the eye more up and down The high arched eyebrow accomplishes this The best eyebrow should peak toward the end of the brow. The tail should be short
Square Strong angled eyebrows to balance the strong jaw line Peak of the brow is most effective when directly above the square of the jaw
Diamond A cross between a heart and a dramatic oval Widest at the cheekbones and narrow equally at the forehead and jaw line
Oblong/Long Long and slender About the same width at the forehead and just below the cheekbones May have a very narrow chin or a very high forehead
Inverted Triangle/Heart Face is wide at the temples and hairline Narrowing to a small delicate chin
Famous oval faces
Ashley Judd
Marilyn Monroe
Grace Kelly
Famous Round Faces
Uma Thurman
Cameron Diaz
Famous Long Faces
Julia Roberts
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Famous Square Faces
Jennifer Aniston
Paulina Proizkova
Demi Moore
Famous Heart Faces
Mariah Carey
Famous Diamond Faces
Sophia Loren
Katharine Hepburn
Body Typing
Men’s Body Builds Ideal, Triangle (Pear), Inverted Triangle, Rectangular, Diamond, Tubular, Rounded (Apple)
Women’s Figure Types Ideal, Triangle (Pear), Inverted Triangle, Rectangular, Hourglass, Diamond, Tubular, Rounded (Apple)
Body Shape Evaluation Take the Figure Shape Evaluation in your packet. If you are male, take the Men’s Quiz. If you are female, take the Women’s Quiz.
HeightSmall FrameMedium Frame Large Frame 4'10" '11" '0” '1” '2" '3" '4" '5" '6" '7" '8" '9" '10" '11" '0"
My Physical Characteristics Plot your physical characteristics. Take a look at the next couple of pages in your packet. Highlight or mark your figure type. What can you do you cover, camouflage, counter or create your ideal image?
Example Short Small Boned Narrow Should. Soft Body Small Features Round Feat. Light Hair Weak Contrast Curled Hair Fine Text. Skin Relaxed Post Dainty Move Graceful Walk Youthful Tall Large Boned Broad Should. Firm Body Large Features Angular Feat. Dark Hair Strong Contrast Straight Hair Coarse Text. Skin Rigid Post Vigorous Move Energetic Walk Mature
Figure Analysis To determine what clothing looks best on you, 3 things should be taken into consideration: Body Size- the height & width of your body Body Shape- your outside silhouette Proportion- the length of different parts of your body.
Figure Analysis Work together to fill out the Figure Analysis, Figure Analysis Measurements, and Proportions pages in your packet. You will have the rest of the hour to get this done.
Color Coding Day 3
Language of Color Eyes Neutral Colors Attention Getters Specific Colors Color and Weight
Color Basics
Cool Colors 80% of people are cool Skin Color milky white or rose pink complexion. Veins often appear blue-gray. Freckles are brown, beige, often far apart with a peppered look. Eye Color Any color works Hair Color Ash tones are most noticeable. Hair can be black, brown, blond, silver or salt and pepper.
Warm Colors Skin Color Peach or ivory complexions. Veins often appear aqua colored. Freckles can be reddish or golden brown, often found close together with a puddled look. Eye Color Any color works Hair Color Golden or red based hair. Color can be chestnut, auburn, red, rust-red, or strawberry blond. As hair whitens it will turn a yellow gray to creamy white.
Seasons Warm Seasons: Autumn and Spring Autumn- Colors with golden undertones (strong, dark colors) Spring- Color with clear yellow undertones (soft, light colors) Cool Seasons: Winter and Summer Winter- Blue-based or pure colors (strong, dark colors) Summer- Colors with blue, rose or gray undertones (soft, light colors)
Color Personalities Autumn: Sophisticated, subtle. Prefer to be noticed by their intelligence and what they have to say instead of their colors. Do not prefer bright colors. Spring: Like to be noticed by their clothing and wittiness. Loquacious, love new fads and trendy clothes. Summer: Often subdued in clothing choices. Basically non- verbal; like pastels. Winter: There are two basic winter personality types. The outstanding, dramatic looking or the play-down attention directed towards self by wearing pastels.