VOLLEYBALL AT PND By: Katie Neilson, Marcy Serrano, Nikki Redden, Sarah Willi Intermediate Technology Applications Mrs. Strauss 4th Hour
What? Extra curricular volleyball program Three teams- Freshman, JV, Varsity Complete with games and practices
When? Open gyms 2x/week in summer Try-outs in August fall trimester Daily practice Normally 2 games a week
Where? Summer open gyms are at the YWCA In the school gym Any school that is hosting a game
Why? It's a lot of fun! Great exercise Friends Helps you get better at volleyball
Cost? Team knee pads- Team Apparel- Shoes- Spandex-
Interview with Coach Mullens Why do you like coaching volleyball? What's your favorite part of the sport? Who do you think can make volleyball? Why is volleyball a good activity to do? (We also need to ask her the costs of the stuff)
How do I get involved? check the PND Volleyball website go to open gyms over the summer try-outs in August
WORK CITED!!!! " Google Images." Google. Web. 06 Jan "Volleyball Central." Volleyball Shoes, Knee Pads, Shorts, and Jerseys | Volleyball Central. Web. 09 Jan "Google Images." Google. Web. 09 Jan "Green & White Volleyball Logo Word Title Scrapbooking." Paperclip Designs Home Page. Web. 11 Jan