MAIN PURPOSE OF MULTI –PURPOSE RIVER VALLEY PROJECTS Main purpose of a Multi Purpose River Valley Projects is to divide running water in two parts They serve a primary purpose of retaining water while flood gates , dikes and levees prevent water to flow on land regions
Other purposes of multi purpose river valley project These projects can be cultivation of crops forest in enlightening greenery of nature etc. They are used for producing hydro electricity irrigation , fishing and it is often a tourist visiting spot etc.
PRODUCTION OF HYDRO ELECTRICITY Almost 19% of total production of electricity is produced as hydro electricity (hydra –water + electricity= hydroelectricity) in river valley projects and Dams Most of the hydroelectricity comes from the potential energy of the stored water further driven by a water turbine and a generator ;to boost power generation capabilities
MULTIPURPOSE RIVER VALLEY PROJECTS OF INDIA Our pride country India also has multipurpose river valley projects I remember the day even today when our late first Prime minister – Pandit Jwahar Lal Nehru introduced multipurpose projects in india Some of the dams as follows-
Bhakra nangal project This project is made by Punjab , Haryana and Rajasthan It is biggest multipurpose project in india , started in 1948 and finished in 1968 It is built on a tributary of river Indus - river Sutlej
HIRAKUD PROJECT Hirakud project is the first multipurpose river valley project in India when India was liberated from British rule in 1947 It was constructed on river –Mahanadi at 15 kilometers up steam of Samblapur town in Orrisa It is 8 kilometers away from national highway 6
Hirakud project
Rihand project Rihand dam is most important multipurpose river valley project in uttarpradesh Rihand river flows in narrow vindhyan ranges in mirzapur district of uttarpradesh
Rihand project
Tungabhadra project The Tungabhadra project lies between Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh The project's length is 2441 meters and width is 49.83 meters across Tungabhadra river in Mullapuram district
Tungabhadra project
Damodar valley project This project is handled by DAMODAR VALLEY CORPERATION launched on river Damodar This project benefits states of West Bengal and Bihar Length – 692 meters Height - 11.6 meters
Damodar valley projects