We analyze the neurological symptoms and provide special neurology treatment. Neurologist, Moeen Din, M.D treats stroke, headache, migraine etc.
It is an unpredictable, autoimmune, inflammatory disabling disease of our Central Nervous System. Due to Multiple sclerosis the flow of information between our body and brain get disrupted which results in disability. PIMA Neurology in Tucson is well known for treating multiple sclerosis and getting 100% success.Multiple sclerosis
PIMA Neurology also conducts nerve conduction studies in Tucson. It is a diagnostic test which is used to evaluate the function of various nerves of the human body. Nerve Conduction Study is mainly done in the case of weakness in the arms and legs. Nerve pain can damage our nervous system. It can be a symptom of various diseases like shingles, HIV, diabetes. Nerve pain
It is the study in which we measure the voltage fluctuations caused by ionic current flow within the neurons of our brain. Basically Electroencephalography is the spontaneous electrical activity of the brain over a short period of time. It is a valuable tool for diagnosis and research.
It is a painless and safe diagnostic test of our Carotid arteries. With the help of carotid Doppler ultrasound we check any deposition in the carotid arteries. Basically, we do this diagnostic test to observe the blood flow through the carotid arteries. At PIMA Neurology in Tucson we have expert radiologists to perform the diagnosis.
It is also known as the brain attack. Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the part of brain stops. If the brain doesn’t get blood supply and oxygen supply for longer than seconds then it may cause permanent damage too. We at PIMA neurology in Tucson deal with such serious medical conditions and try our level best to give you the best possible treatment of Stroke.treatment of Stroke.
It is a type of headache which lasts for about 4-72 hours according to the study. It is generally localized in a certain area of the head. Migraine can cause nausea, vomiting along with the sensitivity to light. Neurologist at PIMA Neurology in Tucson is specialized in treating Migraine and relieve you with the pain. We treat stroke, epilepsy, neuropathy, headache, migraine and other diseases related to brain.
Back Pain Back Pain is the most frequent complaint we hear in our daily life. It is mainly due to the wrong postures or continuous unchanged postures. It can be a chronic pain or a sudden onset. Back pain can be generated from various nerves in the spine, muscles or bones.
Pima Neurology West Magee Rd., Oro Valley/Tucson AZ