SWBAT: Discuss Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan. Skim pages Manhattan Project (definition): -Reasons for & against using the bomb- -2 targets (name of cities): -V-J day (definition): -United Nations (definition): SIN #25
US program to build atomic bombs Brought mathematicians and scientists together from around the world (Einstein) and tested first one in New Mexico
Will cause Japan to surrender Save US soldiers from having to invade Japan Kills innocent civilians
Hiroshima (Aug 6, 1945) by Little Boy Japan still did not surrender Nagasaki (Aug 9, 1945) by Fat Man Plane- Enola Gay Targeted cities with factories, president criticized for targeting people
Victory over Japan Aug 15, 1945
Peace keeping organization created Oct Tries to negotiate/intervene to avoid war and promote international co- operation.