Ms. Ha Ch. 17 Sec. 3
A. The Japanese 1. Pearl Harbor missed: a. U.S. submarines b. U.S. aircraft carriers
B. Japanese Advances 1. Over Southeast Asia a. French Indochina b. China c. Alaskan islands
C. Doolittle’s Raid 1. U.S. : Doolittle 2. Bombed Tokyo 3. Spring Bolstered U.S. spirits
A. Battle of Coral Sea 1. Air craft battle 2. Japanese stopped a. Didn’t reach Australia
B. Battle of Midway 1. Turning point-Pacific War 2. Admiral Chester Nimitz a. Naval leader in Pacific b. Crushed Japanese fleet
A. Iwo Jima 1. Strategic Island a. Base to bomb Japan from b. Heavily guarded: death toll 1) 6,000 U.S. Marines 2) 20,500 Japanese soldiers
1. Last Japanese obstacle a. Air Attack: 1,900 + Kamikaze pilots 1) Pilots killed 5,000 Navy members 2) 30 ships sunk damaged
2. On shore: a) Fierce opposition b) Ended: June 21, ) 7,600 U.S. dead 2) 110,000 Japanese dead
A. Manhattan Project 1. Lead scientist: J. Robert Oppenheimer ,000 Americans involved a. First Test: July 16, 1945
B. Truman warns Japan 1. Refused to surrender 2. Truman took responsibility
C. Plane: Enola Gay 1. Hiroshima a) August 6, 1945 b) Japanese military center c) Japan will not surrender
D. Nagasaki 1. August 9, Total in both blasts/radiation 3. Over 200,000 dead 4. Estimated saved over 1.5 million lives
E. Emperor Hirohito surrenders 1. Sept. 2, On U.S. Missouri 3. “The entire world is quietly at peace” -General MacArthur
A. Yalta Conference 1. “Big Three” F.D.R. / Churchill / Stalin Feb –before end of war Roosevelt was the mediator
B. Germany: divide into 4 zones 1. British/French/S.U./U.S. 2. Stalin: free elections in Poland 3. Stalin -yes: fight Japanese 4. Future conference: U.N.
C. Nuremberg Trials Nazi leaders 2. Tried for war crimes 3. Town held trials: Nuremberg, Germany
D. 12 Nazi’s=death sentence 1. Rest imprisoned 2. Another 200= guilty of war crimes 3. “ I was following orders” 4. Not tolerated: individual responsibility
A. General MacArthur 1. U.S. forces: 8 years 2. Opened free-market 3. Women suffrage 4. Basic freedoms 5. Today: MacArthur Constitution