Excretion Removal of metabolic waste as a result of metabolic activities like - Nitrogenous wastes include: ammonia (toxic) protists, urea (less toxic)- Animals release waste, -
Human Excretion Excretion is the removal of metabolic wastes - Excretory organs- lungs, liver, sweat Lungs- excrete CO2 and H2Ovapor by- Liver- deamination (breakdown of amino acids to -
Liver- breaks down rbc, also – Skin- epidermis (outer layer), dermis (inner layer), sweat glands (excrete water, salt, and urea from the blood in the form of- (homeostasis) Kidneys- excrete urea from blood, regulate the concentration of substances in body fluids, -
Nephron(page185)- bowman's capsule is cup shaped – acids and glucose from blood and through capillary filled - collecting tubule- collects urine – after excess water and minerals are absorbed into capillaries by -
Ureters- take urine from each kidney to the bladder for - Urethra- expels urine – Disorders Kidney stones- solid deposits of cholesterol that – Nephritis- infection of - Gout- production of - Urema- accumulation of metabolic wastes in blood, -