How to improve preparation for review Kerry Boffey/Julie Pomone PRD Adviser SfE Programme
Preparing for review What went well?Challenges Formal planning meetings including: – Objectives – Evidence – Roles/responsibilities – Logistics – Venue Briefing staff- both review and host Training day for the review team Preparing review questions Organising times/dates for planning meeting and staff briefings Time to manage and collate resources
The review What went well?Challenges Timing/ length of the review Planning paid off Openness of host staff Size of the review team Feedback (hot vs. cold/ SMT and staff) Strong lead Re-focusing session during lunch Robust discussion Time Insufficient planning/ preparation was evident Staying focused Concerns of host staff Confidence of the review team Giving/ receiving feedback Clarity of roles Timetabling Interviewing SMT Capturing all feedback/ lessons learnt
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