Monday, October 21, 2013 Students will define vocabulary associated with Chapter 5.3
Define: Pages Paterfamilias Insulae Virgil Livy Horace Spartacus
At the heart of the Roman social structure stood the family headed by the paterfamilias. Paterfamilias- the dominant male in the family
Poor apartment blocks that were usually six stories high where the poor Romans would live.
The most distinguished poet of the Augustan age. Welcomed the rule of Augustus Wrote the epic poem Aeneid in honor of Rome Meant to rival the work of Homer.
Another prominent poet of Rome Like to write about the follies and vices of his age Mostly laughs about the weaknesses of humans
The most famous Latin prose work of the golden age. Masterpiece was called The Early History of Rome 142 books Only 35 survive Not always concerned about factual information
Led the most famous slave revolt in Italy. The revolt broke out in southern Italy and involved 70,000 slaves. Defeated several Roman armies before being trapped and killed.
City life in Ancient Rome had great problems similar to life today
Influenced by Greek statues “Practical Bent”: created forms based on curved lines Domes, arches, and vaults Livy’s History of Rome: Traced the history of Rome from its inception to 9 B.C. Celebrated Rome’s greatness
Led by dominate male (paterfamilias); arranged marriages and acted as a guardian to all women in the household Children were raised at home and taught Greek and Latin Upper class families could send daughters to primary schools to get an education.
Boys: Right of passage at 16 years old: trade in purple togas for white togas; sign of manhood 12 yrs. old was the minimum age for girls to marry, 14 for boys (divorce was allowed) By the 2 nd century A.D., women had more freedom than most Allowed to attend races, theatre, own, sell, and inherit property
No people in the ancient world had more slaves or depended on slaved more than the Romans Large numbers of captured soldiers in war became slaves Used as: household workers, cooks, valets, waiters, cleaners, gardeners, farm laborers Many slave holders were afraid of their slaves b/c they treated them so awful
If a slave killed his master, the slave would be executed and all other slaves would be killed too Most famous slave revolt was led by the gladiator Spartacus In 73 B.C. he led 70,000 slaves Defeated several armies 6,000 of his followers were crucified or nailed to a cross
Center of the empire was Rome, one million people at the time of Augustus Boasted public buildings like no other in the world, but also was over crowded and noisy Hard to sleep at night Dangerous- could be robbed Wagon traffic horrible Soaked by filth thrown out of windows
The rich lived in comfortable villas The poor lived in apartment blocks called insulae Fire an extreme hazard Hard to put out Famous one in A.D. 64 High rent- lived in one room No AC or central heating= very uncomfortable
Emperors provided food for the poor Large scale entertainment was provided for the people of Rome 1. Horse and chariot races in Circus Maximus 2. Dramatic performances were held in theaters 3. Gladiator shows
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