PEER REVIEW OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Launch Meeting Wednesday 13 October 2010
Peer Review of Community Development Aims & purposes Share and evaluate current practice in relation to community development Identify criteria for successful community development Prepare for and plan reviews of community development Clarify reporting expectations, timelines and available support for community development reviews
What LSIS is doing to help Consultation on the Strategic Framework for Community Development for the Learning and Skills Sector – closing date Friday, 29 October 2010 informed by: the sector regional conversations on community development Community Development Fund – case studies available from March 2011 Peer Review of Community Development
Things to look out for Forthcoming projects ILM Level 5 Course “Leading in the Community” – Launch November 2010 And coming soon “Fix my community” Workshadowing Community voice through technology Learning and delivering with social enterprises E resources including online forum for the learning and skills sector Community Development Showcase – March 2011 Peer Review of Community Development
Learning and Skills -Supporting Community Development BIG SOCIETY - FREEDOM, FAIRNESS, RESPONSIBILITY National Govt Dept’s – set policy and targets Dept for Communities and Local Government Dept of Business, Innovation & Skills Dept for Education Other Govt Depts – Health, Work & Pensions LOCAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Health, Children and Young People's Plan Older People, Economic Growth, Environment, Community Safety National and local Employment & Skills Strategy & targets Local/ Neighbour hood devolvement local targets NAA’s, LAA’s, MAA’s FUNDING AND DELIVERY Skills Funding Agency/other funders – direct contracts/Tenders Providers Range of diverse provision – vocational and non vocational Civic services engagement/communit y capacity building/skills and learning jobs/HE/advice and guidance/advocacy/ family learning/ National Local Delivery Context
Learning and Skills – Supporting a Community Development Strategy Outcomes for learners Health and wellbeing, Environment, older people Outcomes for the community Civic Engagement, volunteering, champions Community Cohesion, positive contribution to local community priorities Employment, skills Confidence, ‘soft ‘ skills
How does your work fit with a Community Development Strategy?
Peer Review of Community Development How could these reviews contribute towards the development of a whole community development strategy for the sector?
Peer Review of Community Development Preparing for the review 1 (Host) What story do you want your reviewers to hear? Work in groups of up to 4 Share information about the community development work you are undertaking Explain how you define community development What do you want to achieve – and why? Where are you now – and why? How good is it now?
Peer Review of Community Development Stakeholders in community development Who are/should/could be the stakeholders and partners in your community development activity? What is their role or involvement in your community development activity? What is their role in your community development review? How well are you linked with them? Any gaps/omissions?
Peer Review of Community Development Who are/should/could be the stakeholders and partners in your community development activity? What is their role/involvement in your community development work? What is their role/involvement in your community development review? How well are you linked in with them? Any gaps or omissions?
Peer Review of Community Development Preparing for the review 2 (Host) What story do you want your reviewers to hear? Continue to work in groups of up to 4 What difference to you want to make to the stakeholders in your community development? (Outcomes) How will you measure these outcomes? What actions will you take?
Peer Review of Community Development What football coach worth his or her salt would wait until the end of the season before trying to improve play or checking whether it’s working?
Peer Review of Community Development Preparing for the review 2 (Host) What story do you want your reviewers to hear? Continue to work in groups of up to 4 What monitoring indicators would tell you whether you are on a trajectory towards successful outcomes?
Peer Review of Community Development
What do you want For your learners?
Peer Review of Community Development What do you want For your learners? Safe Valued Healthy Confident Achieving Reaching their potential Employable
Peer Review of Community Development Ofsted shift in focus to following groups of learners across their learning journey How well do leaders and managers manage the learner experience? How well do we ensure learners are safe & healthy and valued throughout? How well do we address inequalities and engage with diversity throughout? At entry On programme Recruitment Progress Reviews Induction Learning Progression Qualification Initial Assessment Learning Plans At assessment At exit Assessment Learner journey
Peer Review of Community Development
How good is the learners’ experience? How does everything else contribute to that judgement?
Leadership & Management Quality of Provision Outcomes for Learners Organisation chart: the curriculum
Peer Review of Community Development Preparing for the review 3 (Reviewers) What story are you hearing? How will you test it out? What activity is taking place within the organisation? Which aspects of the CIF does the story touch? How will you act as a critical friend to this community development plan? How will you test out the progress that is being made and judge the likelihood that this work will result in successful community development?
Peer Review of Community Development Reporting Expectations: Interim report: 10 th December 2010 Final report (case study): 18 th March 2011 Capturing the learning about: Community development What it is. What it involves. How you define successful community development Your leadership of community development PRD