Covers over 17 sq miles Used between AD Only 10% excavated Rebuilt using original stone Unexcavated temple
Positioned 17degrees North = “True North” 8-10 yrs to build, then rebuilt every 52 years 52 “patches” on each side represent new cycle 91 steps on each side = final step to altar = 365 days per year
Cenote Segrado Observatory Temple to Kukulkan Orion’s Belt
Vernal Equinox the serpent descends from heaven Autumnal Equinox the serpent returns to heaven Beginning and close of growing season
Quetzal bird, a Mayan sign of fertility It’s voice is built into the pyramids of Chichen Itza Better Quality Video Quetzal Call
How it looks now…How it originally looked… How it looks without restoration
Universe was “square” shaped and needed to be “restrung” together every nine months. Captain of winning team was sacrificed to thank the gods for the growing season (happened 2 times a year).
“White god with White Beard” was a shaman who lived with the Mayans. Said he would return after death. Requested a funeral where he was placed in a boat on water, then set on fire. Mayans believe he became the star “Venus” Temple to the “White god with White beard”
Serpent that will consume the world
“Temple of the Warrior” sacrifice happened only once ever 52 years Most gruesome of the sacrifices Choc Mool, “Rain God”
1000 ft away from main temple On processional path, there was a small temple for purification. “Cenote Segrado” 2 virgins sacrificed every year, along with precious goods
“Ik-Kil Cenote”?
Makes You Smarter? ? Elevation from the “commoners” Nobility spoke “Chol” - still spoken today
Intertwining snakes = sign of fertility / strong growing season
Original Mayan road “Paved” in white stucco so they “glowed” at night Roads are called “sac-bay”
Four windows, not evenly spaced, follow the daily movements of Venus During the winter solstice at dusk, light shines through the north window, lighting the inside stairway with a beam of light.