The mass media influence our minds
Modern life is hardly possible without information
The press It keeps you informed in the latest news, different events, home and foreign affairs, news of culture, science and engineering development It keeps you informed in the latest news, different events, home and foreign affairs, news of culture, science and engineering development
TV It is an immensely powerful medium, as it uses the most important from of communication, the visual image, it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse. It is an immensely powerful medium, as it uses the most important from of communication, the visual image, it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse.
Some words about advertising The mass media helps us with information about new goods and services. The mass media helps us with information about new goods and services.
Topical problems of mass media The youngers receive the ideologi of “money is our main aim” when they are looking in the “news” about big divorces, about life of rich people. The youngers receive the ideologi of “money is our main aim” when they are looking in the “news” about big divorces, about life of rich people. The youngers receive a “cult of beauty” and young girls can hurt themselves trying to be beautiful. The youngers receive a “cult of beauty” and young girls can hurt themselves trying to be beautiful. We received a lot of different kinds of lies, and think, that it is the truth. We received a lot of different kinds of lies, and think, that it is the truth. The advertising of alcohol and cigars make the youngers buy and use it. The advertising of alcohol and cigars make the youngers buy and use it.
Smoking If any industry spends additional money for advertising, it expects that this money will be returned with a profit due to a sales increase. For the tobacco industry it is not simply a sales increase, but also a replacement for the smokers who quit or die, which is possible only by attracting a new generation of smokers - teenagers. Thus, the income for additional tobacco advertising in mass media can be taken only from pockets of teenagers, and they will also pay with their health. If any industry spends additional money for advertising, it expects that this money will be returned with a profit due to a sales increase. For the tobacco industry it is not simply a sales increase, but also a replacement for the smokers who quit or die, which is possible only by attracting a new generation of smokers - teenagers. Thus, the income for additional tobacco advertising in mass media can be taken only from pockets of teenagers, and they will also pay with their health.
What to do? There have been a lot of cases where mass media refused to publish anti- tobacco materials for fear of the probable loss of income from tobacco advertising. In any case, the incomes of tobacco advertising are just single percents in any media budget and it will be possible to replace these incomes by advertising of other goods. There have been a lot of cases where mass media refused to publish anti- tobacco materials for fear of the probable loss of income from tobacco advertising. In any case, the incomes of tobacco advertising are just single percents in any media budget and it will be possible to replace these incomes by advertising of other goods.
Damaged moral The world problem is upbringing of children as the monsters with narrow consciousness as a result of computer games and violent TV programs. The world problem is upbringing of children as the monsters with narrow consciousness as a result of computer games and violent TV programs.
What to do? To forbid especially cruel computer games and programs To forbid especially cruel computer games and programs To force television to show programs and films about high moral, relations in society. To force television to show programs and films about high moral, relations in society.
Problems with the appearance None of the teenagers loves his appearance and we can damage ourselves in some ways trying to reach these or that standards of beauty. None of the teenagers loves his appearance and we can damage ourselves in some ways trying to reach these or that standards of beauty.
What to do? To remind that mass media is not a real life, and those models, whose photos are printed in magazines sometimes are not real, and also have problems with appearance. To remind that mass media is not a real life, and those models, whose photos are printed in magazines sometimes are not real, and also have problems with appearance.
The end.