2 Training and HRD Process Model AssessmentDesign ImplementationEvaluation Assess needs Prioritize needs Define objectives Develop lesson plan Develop/acquire materials Select trainer /leader Select methods and techniques Schedule the program/intervention Deliver the HRD program or intervention Determine evaluation design Interpret results Conduct evaluation of program or intervention Select evaluation criteria
Training Delivery Methods The Learning Continuum to guide in the selection of approach training methods Training Methods : On the Job, Classroom approach, Individual approach Novice Expert More Exploratory More Guided How to do What to do
On the Job Training Training at a regular workstation / Informal effort (coaching, one-on- one instruction) structured OJT advantages Facilitate the transfer of learning Reduce training cost Limitations Physical constraints Damage from Using expensive equipment for training Temporally reduce the quality of service Threaten the safety
5 OJT Techniques 1.Job Instruction Training sequence of instructional procedure used by trainer while work in assigned job. 1.Preparing the work 2.Presenting the task 3.Practice 4.Follow-up The success factors of JIT? 2.Job Rotation Trainee is expected to learn more doing and observing than by receiving instruction Learn about some key roles, polices, procedures Used for first –level management training 3.Coaching and mentoring One-on-one instruction Coaching : Maintain effective performance / correct performance problem Mentoring : giving support, preparing for increasing responsibility
Classroom Training approaches Training session at training space Advantages Use of training technique (video, lecture, discussion, role playing, simulation) Control to minimize distractions and create a climate conductive of training larger number of trainee Disadvantages Increased cost Dissimilarity to the job setting
7 Primary categories of classroom training 1.Lecture Efficient way of transmitting factual information to a large audience in a relatively short amount of time One-way communication (Passivity and boredom) Has little value in facilitating attitudinal and behavioral changes The lack of sharing of ideas among the trainees. How to overcome lecture approach? 2.Discussion Two-way communication (active participation) Skilled facilitator is needed Sufficient time Common reference 3.Audiovisual media Static media : printed material, slides, OHP Dynamic media : CDs, Film, videotape, videodisc Tele-communication : CATV, Teleconferencing 4.Experiential methods Case studies, Games, Simulation, role playing, behavior modeling, outdoor education
Self-paced training Computer-aided instruction Internet-and intranet-based training
9 직무 경험을 통한 학습의 효과성 (%) (%) 개발에 기여한 정도 Mentoring Training Job Assignment Coaching, Feedback 회사의 효과적인 지원 Source : Ed Michael, et el., The War for Talent, Harvard Business School Press, 2001, 100.( McKinsey & Company’s War for Talent Surveys, 2000) 1. 빠른 승진 2. 경력경로에 따른 스킬 개발 3. 직무 순환과 진급 4. 프로젝트 리더로서의 역할 수행 5. 특별한 프로젝트 수행 6. 현장직무교육 (OJT) 7. 자신의 강점과 약점 인식 도 피드백 9. 진솔하고 생각하게 만드는 피드백 10. 상사로부터의 업무 코칭 11. 탁월한 Mentor 12. 역할 모델 13. 개발에 대한 조언 14. 집합 교육