2008 Soft Path Colloquium A Municipal Perspective Glen Pleasance Region of Durham
Durham Region Eastern border of Toronto Eastern border of Toronto Region covers 1,000 mi 2 Region covers 1,000 mi 2 Pop. 570,000, most along the northern shore of Lake Ontario Pop. 570,000, most along the northern shore of Lake Ontario 80% homes metered, rest on rural private wells 80% homes metered, rest on rural private wells Population will double by 2021 Population will double by 2021 Use Water Efficiency to reduce the cost of this growth Use Water Efficiency to reduce the cost of this growth
Why Water Efficiency Region is responsible for water & sewer services, including billing Region is responsible for water & sewer services, including billing View Water Efficiency as a source of water within the existing infrastructure View Water Efficiency as a source of water within the existing infrastructure This delays water and sewer plant expansions = reduced cost of infrastructure expansion This delays water and sewer plant expansions = reduced cost of infrastructure expansion
Works Department Responsible for infrastructure planning & expansion Responsible for infrastructure planning & expansion Essentially an Engineering Dept. Essentially an Engineering Dept. Engenders a ‘build’ mentality Engenders a ‘build’ mentality Water efficiency perceived as ‘pseudo solution’ Water efficiency perceived as ‘pseudo solution’ Trust the pipes & pumps more Trust the pipes & pumps more
Over Build & Over Consume Growing system in lock-step with growth Growing system in lock-step with growth Made worse by over-sizing plant expansions Made worse by over-sizing plant expansions Need to address root problem Need to address root problem We use too much water We use too much water Regional Residential average is 270 lpcd Regional Residential average is 270 lpcd
Finance Department Can’t see beyond fiscal year Can’t see beyond fiscal year Fear revenue loss from water efficiency Fear revenue loss from water efficiency Works Dept. has to look long term to anticipate growth, so should Finance Works Dept. has to look long term to anticipate growth, so should Finance Cheaper to grow system slower than population growth using water efficiency Cheaper to grow system slower than population growth using water efficiency
Municipal Approvals Development approvals staff rebuff innovation Development approvals staff rebuff innovation Anything that deviates from Code gets put to the back of the line Anything that deviates from Code gets put to the back of the line Proposals that use less water should be recognized for their benefits Proposals that use less water should be recognized for their benefits Less of a burden on water & sewer systems Less of a burden on water & sewer systems
Current Water Efficiency Efforts (what I know) Concentrate on High Efficiency Toilets (HETs), Premium Showerheads, Front Load Washers & Excessive lawn watering Concentrate on High Efficiency Toilets (HETs), Premium Showerheads, Front Load Washers & Excessive lawn watering Brings down LPCD down to 190 – 200 Brings down LPCD down to 190 – 200 Bit of awareness can attain 150 – 160 range Bit of awareness can attain 150 – 160 range
Emerging Opportunities Hot water recirculation systems Hot water recirculation systems Should be in all new homes Should be in all new homes Not usually practical to retrofit Not usually practical to retrofit Rain water harvesting Rain water harvesting Numerous pilots underway in Guelph Numerous pilots underway in Guelph U of Guelph Engineering Prof. Khosrow Farahbakhsh U of Guelph Engineering Prof. Khosrow Farahbakhsh For irrigation, toilets, laundry = 50% reduction For irrigation, toilets, laundry = 50% reduction Practical for single family homes Practical for single family homes
Emerging Opportunities Grey water reuse holds promise Grey water reuse holds promise Extensive treatment requirements due to need to protect health Extensive treatment requirements due to need to protect health render it impractical on household level render it impractical on household level Neighbourhood scale treatment may make it viable Neighbourhood scale treatment may make it viable
Developers & Builders Time is right to work with progressive ones Time is right to work with progressive ones Tribute Project yielded 20% reduction sustained over 12 months Tribute Project yielded 20% reduction sustained over 12 months Via toilets, showerheads, front load washers & xeriscape gardens Via toilets, showerheads, front load washers & xeriscape gardens
Developers & Builders Tribute results resonate with local municipal approvals staff and builders Tribute results resonate with local municipal approvals staff and builders Working with Town of Clarington staff and two progressive builders Working with Town of Clarington staff and two progressive builders Developing water efficiency management plans Developing water efficiency management plans Going above & beyond code Going above & beyond code Expedited approvals will enable us to engage the less innovative builders Expedited approvals will enable us to engage the less innovative builders
Getting to Soft Path (what I don’t know) How do you get from inflated forecasting and overbuilt water & sewer systems to Backcasting? How do you get from inflated forecasting and overbuilt water & sewer systems to Backcasting? Florida growth forecast calls for an increase of 2 bgd by 2025 Florida growth forecast calls for an increase of 2 bgd by 2025 In contrast, California plans to use the same amount of water in 2030 as today, despite 12 million more people In contrast, California plans to use the same amount of water in 2030 as today, despite 12 million more people Central Saanich BC has est. no new water policy Central Saanich BC has est. no new water policy
Focus On… Have to overcome institutional barriers Have to overcome institutional barriers Evolve away from build mentality Evolve away from build mentality Finance must look short & long term Finance must look short & long term Approvals to reward efficient development Approvals to reward efficient development Focus on growing communities only Focus on growing communities only
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