Community Development Department Settlement and Development Agreement Seagate Communities, Inc and the City of Palm Coast
Community Development Department Location Map
Community Development Department BACKGROUND March 6, Seagate filed an application for a Comprehensive Plan amendment for 28+/- acres (Ryan's Landing) Application was seeking to amend Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from “Greenbelt” to “Residential”. July City Council approved to transmit the amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA).
Community Development Department BACKGROUND After the transmittal, applicant filed an application to rezone subject property from Estate – 1 to Planned Unit Development (PUD). March 20, 2007 – City Council denied the proposed FLUM amendment and provided a Denial Development Order for the PUD rezoning application. Developer brought suit against the City seeking an order requiring the City to approve the FLUM amendment.
Community Development Department SETTLEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The Developer and City Staff initiated negotiations to develop an alternate plan. The following summarizes key elements of the Agreement: City initiated Comprehensive Plan amendment to change only 22.8+/- acres from Greenbelt to Residential. The Developer will donate 5 acres of the property to the City for use as a “Nature Park” and will remain “Greenbelt” FLUM. The minimum lot sizes and setbacks, and other applicable development standards shall be as depicted in the PUD Agreement to be executed at the time of rezoning. The Property to be developed as a 69-lot subdivision in accordance with the Conceptual Plan.
Community Development Department CONCEPTUAL PLAN
Community Development Department SETTLEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The Developer agrees to seek the “Green Development Designation” The Agreement will constitute a full and final resolution of the lawsuit after final approvals of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning request/PUD Agreement. At that point, the lawsuit will be dismissed