Adult Social Care informatics
2 Context for Informatics in ASC Paucity of data collected – compared with health – 9 v 160 plus HES plus GPES plus Medicines Prescribing – most is=n theform f manual submissions/ surveys Limited Information Standards – no classification standards (SNOMED CT is adopted not SNOMED A different culture and use of data: outcome focussed, person and carer centric, semantic/ narrative based ie qualitative Burden – maturity and capacity – compared with health Fragmented care provider market dominated by small private organisations and voluntary services A limited specialist supplier market with multiple system implementation versions Limited funding for IT and Informatics at local and national levels Fundamental barriers for sharing being lifted - infrastructure/IG,– behavioral, legal as well as technical...
3 Integration & interoperability - Pioneers Information Governance Transparency & Comparative Data Delivery of core priority programmes Economic case Citizen-focussed technology Market development Achieving broader strategic objectives Current state Target future state Capability & leadership Integration & interoperability - Standards Integration & interoperability – IDCR & Tech Fund Care Act implementation Our national work programme focused on two broad areas – 1) delivery of key programmes, and 2) how we can start to develop a wider consensus around investment and change in this area? Infrastructure and systems Slide 13
4 In terms of Informatics For 2015/16 Case recording Managing Deferred Payment Administration Provision of online information and advice. ADASS confident this is on track, though there is some uncertainty in cases where local authorities may be in the middle of changing or upgrading their systems. For 2016/17 How data flows across health and social care system to the benefit of the individual and the professionals Need to develop an IT and informatics service that supports drive to person- centred care, portability and optimum system efficiency. This will come with a cost – particularly in terms of systems being compatible both within and between local authorities. DH – Leading the nation’s health and care Slide 18
5 Informatics and IS Information Governance Transparency & Comparative Data Integration & interoperability – Information Standards Current state review Target future state Capability & Leadership Market development Four primary activities: Economic case to establish clear priorities Scoping study (DH/HSCIC led) to establish baseline and future state Programme of engagement with key national and local stakeholders Full engagement and participation with SCCI and key NIB programmes to drive ASC IS development
6 Social care informatics scoping project Information Standards Benefits case and supporting narrative for LAs Identifying enabling ‘foundation’ standards for system Identifying and analysis of priorities and timelines Implementing optimal approach for standards development, adoption and implementation Client Level data Benefits case for primary and secondary use Opportunities for alignment of activities IG challenges – developing IG toolkit and guidance Quick wins – building on Care Act implementation, Pioneers work, sharing assets across health and care, enabling interoperability with ‘essential’ infrastructure Slide 29
7 Priorities for 2014/15 Identify and develop pipeline of core underpinning IS and infrastructure/ capability with Local Government stakeholders to align with Health and PH IS and programmes – and with other government services Business case for investment in ASC Informatics Scoping the options with HSCIC for developing new and sustainable approaches to Data and Transparency
8 We need your help! To develop and establish in more detail and at a local level: What is the target state for information and IT enablement and what are the steps along the way that we must prioritise – what would success look like for citizens and how must we change to deliver? For each organisation; where we are now and what must we do first, second... and so on To develop a social care/local government digital maturity road map and index that embraces variation and innovation Slide 32