The Hiring Process Define Gate Review 4/7/2016
The Hiring Process Team TEAM CHAMPION: Jerry Visco, HR Director TEAM SPONSOR: Karen Conde, Personnel Manager TEAM LEADERS: – Brenda Mathews – Jennifer Meyer TEAM MEMBERS: – Sylvia Alford, Human Resources – Linda Hieronimus, Utility Services – Michelle Long, Public Works – Susan Szymula, Library Services
Lean Six Sigma Justification A complex process with many steps Impacts all departments Department-customer complaints about the process Potential person/job mismatch Lost productivity due to transition from previous employee to new hire Current requirement for original hard copies Potential delays waiting for signatures Incomplete packages and errors lead to delays Inappropriately identified minimum qualifications Class description and job duties don’t match (classification issue?) Job duties and minimum qualifications not always clearly defined
Vacancy Department Needs Assessment Review/Re-class/Create Job Title and/or Class Description Create and Submit Job Requisition Job Announcement/ Advertisement Job Announcement Closes Department Selects Interviewees Selected Applicants Interviewed Selection of Most Qualified Candidate Background Check Drug Screen (if applicable) Job Offer Process Boundaries
DMAIC Roadmap Project Charter Communication Plan Team Launch SIPOC VOC Map Current Process Map the Value Stream Data Collection Plan MSA Collect Data Characterize Current Process (C PK, SPC, Sigma) Identify Solutions Validate Solutions Pilot Solutions Map Future State Develop Rollout Plan Implement Change Write Control Plan Calculate Benefits Characterize New Process (C PK, SPC, Sigma) Transition Process Translate Project Identify Follow- on Projects Clearly Define the Project Capture the Current State Define “Why”, Root Cause, Y=f(x) Create an Improved Process Implement, Transition, Control Analyze Root Causes Prioritize Root Causes Define Impact of Inputs Identify Critical Inputs Quantify Opportunity ImproveControlDefineAnalyze Measure
Problem Statement The amount of time from job vacancy to job advertisement of a permanent external new hire is taking too long (on average 42 days). Hiring delays create hardships for employees who are required to absorb extra workload, contribute to declining morale when positions are vacant for a long time, and decrease the level of service to internal and external customers.
Goal Statement To reduce the time from job vacancy to job advertisement from 42 days to 28 days. Examine time, errors, and rework related to the vacancy package preparation to improve process work flow, and process lead time. Mission Statement
Voice of Customer Survey 17 Question survey with one open comment box Sent electronically through SurveyMonkey Sent to 53 employees (in all 21 departments) familiar with the hiring process 78% response rate (41 of 53 returned) 20 responses from comment box
Critical Customer Requirements Vacancy Occurs Needs Assessment Review Job Title and/or CD Submit Job Req. Job AnnouncementAnnouncement Close Interviewees selected Dept. Interviews Select Most Qualified Background Check Drug Screen Job Offer CURRENT PROCESS DESIRED PROCESS 56 days <14 days 121 days 35 days 7 days
VOC Related Themes PROVIDE ELECTRONIC TRACKING, SIGNING AND DELIVERY: The ability for departments to track the hiring process through all steps. The ability to sign and submit job requisition paperwork to HR electronically. UPDATE CLASS DESCRIPTIONS: Update Class Descriptions, better detailing physical requirements and job duties. Use class descriptions as job announcement. IMPROVE JOB REQUISITION FORM: Revise Job Requisition form to include checkboxes for length of advertisement and a larger 'comments' section. PROVIDE HIRING PROCESS TRAINING AND INSTRUCTIONS: Complete instructions (and training) for the hiring package, including steps, requisition paperwork, approvals, guidelines for physical requirements, and a checklist. IMPROVE THE DEPARTMENT NEEDS ASSESSMENT STEP: Performing a department needs assessment upon vacancy will improve the chances of hiring a candidate who best meets the needs of the department.
Map the Processes The Five Scenarios No Change – Advertise As Is Terminate Position Change Title/Pay or Re-Class Create New Position w/ Existing Job Title Create New Position with new Job Title
No Change – Advertise As Is Process Map
What’s Next? Map the Value Stream Data Collection Plan Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Collect Data Characterize Current Process
DMAIC Roadmap Project Charter Communication Plan Team Launch SIPOC VOC Map Current Process Map the Value Stream Data Collection Plan Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Collect Data Characterize Current Process (C PK, SPC, Sigma) Clearly Define the Project Capture the Current State DefineImproveControlAnalyze Measure
DEFINE MEASURE: April – May/June?, 2016 – Map Current Process – Map the Value Stream – Data Collection Plan – Measurement Systems Analysis – Collect Data – Characterize Current Process (C PK, SPC, Sigma) ANALYZE: June, 2016 IMPROVE: July, 2016 CONTROL: August, 2016 Project Plan