1 Robert MarchantJanuary 2011 Where could we be in 5 to 10 years time Where are we today in the provision of Broadband Services What is Government Policy And WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT 3-G AND BROADBAND DEVELOPMENTS IN THAILAND
2 Only around 10% of the population have quality BB services Mainly in Bangkok and Major Towns Only 8 million fixed lines Broadband Network & Services Today 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Indonesia The Philippines Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Japan United States United Kingdom Australia South Korea Hong Kong Broadband household penetration (%) International Comparison
3 Robert MarchantJanuary 2011 What is the Government doing about the lack of Broadband Services ? NTC Commissioned National Broadband Master & Regulatory Plan Comparison of Thailand With Other Countries Supply Side and Demand Side Barriers Scenarios giving possible approaches to Thailand's Broadband Future Economic Benefits Funding of The National Broadband Plan 9th November 2010 Government Issues National Broadband Policy Statement
4 Robert MarchantJanuary 2011 What are the issues what are the challenges in implementing Government BB Policy ? Broadband Policy Key Points A quality BB network designed to international standardsA quality BB network designed to international standards To reach 80% of the population within 5 yearsTo reach 80% of the population within 5 years To reach 95% of the population within 10 yearsTo reach 95% of the population within 10 years All major towns to have 100 M bits available within 10 yearsAll major towns to have 100 M bits available within 10 years A universal and equal BB service to all Schools--Hospitals--Government Departments-- within 5 yearsA universal and equal BB service to all Schools--Hospitals--Government Departments-- within 5 years
5 Robert MarchantJanuary 2011 Geographical Issues Technology Issues Financial & Investment Issues Broadband Issues To Be Addressed How many Provinces will have to be covered ? Which Cites and Towns? For 80% coverage, then 95% coverage ? Where are the “Economic Centers”of each region ? The mix of fixed and wireless technology The design options for the Next Generation IP Network & Local Access Networks The cost of implementation of the Governments Broadband plan The degree of Public and Private investment
6 Geographical Considerations Robert Marchant January 2011 How are we to reach % of the population with Quality Broadband ?
7 Required International Standard Networks To Fulfill Government Policy A High Capacity Backbone IP Next Generation Network (Fiber Optic) Next Generation Network ❶ Robert Marchant January 2011 Local Access Networks To reach every Town & village ❷ Fixed Line Copper/Fiber Optic 3 G Mobile & Wireless Technology
8 What is 3G and Why is it so Important Today’s Mobiles are 2G (Second Generation) For Voice For Data Speeds of 177 K Bits Not fast enough to be considered Broadband 3G Third Generation Voice Data Speeds up to 14 M bits Plus High Speed Download----Videos The Key Benefit Via a Mobile connection on a Laptop by a “Dongle” Broadband becomes available throughout the majority of Thailand
9 The Ratio of Mobile 3G to Fixed Line Copper and Fiber Optic Networks Mobile Networks can be expensive when asked to deliver high capacity data Implementing 3 G Network is extremely important to meet Government coverage objectives but its only the initial step Mobile 3G Networks e.g. Schools, Hospital will require much greater speeds typically M Bits Many Businesses will require much more 100 M Bit + High Capacity Fixed Line Copper/ Fiber Optic Access Networks Fixed Line Technologies are much better at delivering High Speeds and High Capacity
10 Robert MarchantJanuary 2011 A Possible Mix of Technologies Technology % coverage 3G Population coverage %80% 20% Bangkok Big Cites Dense Cities Sparse Cities Big Dense Towns Big Sparse Towns Dense Medium Towns Sparse Medium Towns Small Towns Large Townships Wi-Max ADSL FTTH 25%
11 The Ultimate Access Technology Mix Is Decided By The Customer 3 G Mobile Fixed Line The Customer Requires 1. Highest Speeds at the Lowest Price 2. High Reliability 3. Acceptable Contention Ratios 4. Availability of Service Nationwide 3G, 4G, Wi Max---Fiber Copper or “Elastic Bands” “Up to You” Technology Choice 5. Choice of Supplier
12 Financial & Investment Issues The Governments Broadband Policy Will Require Significant Investment Robert Marchant January 2011 Who is going to invest “Government” “Private Sector” or “Public Private Participation Arrangement” ? Next Generation Local Access Networks THB Billion $ US 6.00 B B Next Generation Core IP Backbone Network 200–400 THB Billion $US 6.6 B B
13 Implementing Government Broadband Policy 1. We need the commitment and enthusiasm of future governments 2. A Broadband Plan that is Tailored to Thailand’s requirements 3. That is Regulated to Ensure “Free & Fair Competition For Consumers & Operators World Standard Broadband Network Available For All The People Of Thailand Leading to 4. The Regulations encourage Private/Foreign Investment Private Capital Entrepreneurs
14 Broadband Customers 25 years ago there were 0 mobile phones Now we have 64,000,000 registered mobiles Today’s Broadband customers Less than 4,000,000 In years 50,000,000 Broadband customers Now that’s a growth business “Be a part of it”
15 Thank You Q & A