Airdrie Land Use Bylaw MPC Information Session December
. A Made-In-Airdrie Solution November 2013 Consultation Draft (473 Comments) June 2015 Residential Workshop (283 Comments), and follow-up meeting in September 2015 October 2015 Consultation with Business Community and Public Open House Several focus groups and one-on-one meetings with stakeholders, industry reps, UDI, and other interested groups/individuals
. LUB Overview Interpretation/Definitions Administrative Landscaping Parking Signs Land Use Regulations General Regulations/by topic Land Use Districts Direct Control Bylaws
. LUB Overview = ? ? ?
1. Achieving a Balance Goal of the LUB is to find an appropriate balance between predictability and flexibility Tools in place to support innovative ideas and projects Clear definitions, standards, and requirements Redrafted purpose and intent statements, and more detailed regulations to guide discretion
2. A Comprehensive Document Incorporates annexed areas and districts from Rocky View County Carries over reformatted Direct Control Districts (and clean up of several that were no longer in use) Land uses, regulations, and formatting are standardized
3. Clearer Application of Discretion Asdf Rewritten purpose statements and more permitted uses make it clearer what is intended for each district Specific definition for “compatibility” so it is clear what we are addressing Regulations are written, as much as possible, to be objective and focused on the desired results Intent of requirements is more explicitly stated where regulations are “at the discretion of the Development Authority”
4. Focus on Site Design Regulations speak specifically to principles of good design Access for all modes of transportation and pedestrian connectivity are key factors to consider Landscaping regulations are much more detailed and provide options for alternatives
5. Non-Residential Development Districts and land uses address the full range of commercial and industrial development Home Businesses and Live-Work specifically defined and regulated in levels New Mixed Use and Office Park Districts allow a more focused range of uses
6. Administrative Clarity Administrative section has been completely overhauled and expanded More clarity on DP process, approvals, supporting plans, securities, and enforcement Much more detail included on DP approvals and conditions
7. Requirements for Specific Land Uses Child Care Facilities (p.103) Community Gardens (p.103) Home Businesses (p.105) Medical Marihuana Production (p.106) RV Storage (p.107) Secondary, Garden, and Garage Suites (p.108)
8. New Sign Regulations Sign requirements were completely rewritten Specific purpose and intent statement for signs Clear definition between sign form, purpose, and features Tables for each district allow a lot nuance and keep this section easy to read Much more is Permitted or Discretionary at administrative level.
9. Dealing with Interface & Impacts Specific requirements and standards for sensitive interfaces (i.e. industrial/residential) Details and additional scrutiny/discretion for “sensitive” land uses Expanded regulations on adverse impacts and nuisance Clear process and requirements for enforcement
10. Residential Density Ranges R2-T, R3, R4, R5 Districts accommodate a range of residential uses and densities R2-T District specific to townhouse development R3-R5 provide additional detail on where districts should be sited in purpose and intent Two-tier approach to maximum densities in all districts; base standard and additional density subject to location, design, policies, and innovation
11. Narrow Lots & Garages Refined table limiting garage width and design criteria in general regulations (p.117) Without design criteria, minimum 38ft lot required for 2-car (6.0m wide) garage R1-U and R2 district allow some exceptions to this subject to additional standards Layered approach is the result of industry consultation and desire to “earn” exceptions to a high base standard
12. Introducing Secondary Suites Regulations modelled after other examples and best practices in Alberta Must have a large-enough site to accommodate the secondary dwelling and provide on-site parking Approving authority must have regard for policies, compatibility, and impacts on adjacent properties
. Next Steps Remaining Tasks Legal Review & Expand Enforcement Section Standards on Artificial Landscaping Development Near Watercourses/Waterbodies Airport Overlay Implementation Strategy Graphics & Formatting Final Consultation with City Departments, Stakeholders, and the general public
. Timeline Finishing Content (December 2015) Consultation & Legal Review (January/February 2016) To MPC & Council for Review and Adoption (March 2016)
Wrap up…