October 2012 SFU Curriculum Workshop Everything you should know about SFU’s curriculum development process. Presented by Senate and Academic Services
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012SFU Curriculum Workshop Agenda introductions the steps the forms effective dates programs reminders resources
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Acronyms we all know and love: –SCUS – Senate Committee for Undergraduate Studies –SGSC – Senate Graduate Studies Committee –SCUP – Senate Committee on University Priorities –FPP – Full Program Proposal –NOI – Notice of Intent –DPR – Degree Progress Report –Curricunet – Curriculum Management System –WQB – Writing, Quantitative, Breadth Requirements –SIMS – Student Information Management System 3
SFU Curriculum Workshop October The Steps 1. Department/Faculty –Undergraduate / graduate committees 2. Faculty –Undergraduate / graduate committees 3. SCUS / SGSC 4. Senate 5. Board of Governors* 6. Curricunet / SIMS 7. Calendar / DPR *note: new programs may require BC Ministry of Advanced Education approval
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Baby steps Library resources check Overlap check WQB approval * these may also take significant amounts of time, so plan ahead 5
SFU Curriculum Workshop October The Forms Undergraduate –On-line fillable PDF forms for new courses and course changesnew courses course changes –Instructions for NOI/FPP proposalsNOI/FPP proposals Graduate –Information on how to make calendar edits, create or modify courses, and create new programs can be found:
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Effective Dates Effective dates drive all the systems –Curricunet –SIMS –Scheduling –Calendar –Degree Progress Report (DPR) e.g. Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Effective Dates Senate approved changes: –Between May and July are reflected in the Spring Calendar –Between September and December are reflected in the Summer Calendar –Between January and April are reflected in the Fall Calendar BE REALISTIC
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Sample Timelines-program changes and courses Effective Summer 2013 –Approved by Senate no later than December 2012 –Approved by SCUS/SGSC no later than November 2012 –Approved by Faculty ? –Approved by Department ? –Proposed ? Note: this timeframe best describes what happens when everything is done correctly. Often items are sent back or revised and may take longer. The effective dates still hold true. Sample timeline program changes and courses
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Sample timeline- new programs Effective Summer 2013** –Approved by Senate no later than December 2012 –FPP Approved by SCUP no later than November 2012 –FPP Approved by SCUS/SGSC no later than October 2012 –NOI approved by both SCUS/SGSC and SCUP prior to the FPP process –Approved by Faculty ? –Approved by Department ? –Proposed ? ** Note – new programs may require Ministry approval, which may delay this timeline. You are advised to contact Sarah Dench for
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Program Deletions Two step process: –Step 1 – suspend admission to the program. This must be approved by SCUS/SGSC/SCUP and must include a plan for students in the program or who might want to get into the program and how this will be communicated to them. –Step 2 – dissolution of the program. Must be approved by SCUS/SGSC/SCUP/Senate. Must include rationale and outcome of suspension plan.
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 changes All changes require approval by SCUS/SGSC eg. Pre-requisites, certificate deletions, unit changes, WQB designations, eg. Additions to elective lists, admission gpa, concentration titles, Don’t assume it’s an editorial change.
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Reminders Prerequisite wording needs to be accurate Does the Calendar you are working from include recent curriculum updates? Does the change apply to ALL your department’s programs i.e. honours and major? Is your choice of a new course number already in use? Always consult in advance before submitting your documents if you are unsure.
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Same team, different players Accurate curriculum management = accurate calendars and accurate degree progress reports Tying it together
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Resources Departmental / faculty minutes SCUS dates and minutes SGSC dates and minutes studies-committee/agenda.html Senate documents SCUP Senate approved Calendar guidelines Resources
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Talking Points Due diligence is required at all levels Realistic effective dates Use the proper forms, follow format Make your changes obvious Check resources for approvals, what really happened
SFU Curriculum Workshop October 2012 Questions