Information Retention in e-Learning De Leon Kimberly Obonyo Carolyne Penn John Yang Xiaoyan
Introduction Research Question : What are the perceptions of students towards e-learning in terms of information retention? Overview of research paper: Research and analysis conducted to evaluate the perceptions of students towards e-learning and information retention. Statement of problem: The challenge educators are facing is facilitating a more efficient learning environment and whether students like the use of e- learning. Goals:. The goal of our research was to identify what our sample groups' perceptions were towards e-learning and information retention. Significance of research: The research is significant because the results will provide more information if technology is an effective tool for facilitating learning and how it is being embraced by students that are using e-learning
Literature Review Studies have revealed several factors contribute to the perception of students towards e-learning and the acceptance of the mode of learning and information retention. Different areas that contribute to the overall acceptance of e-learning as an accepted teaching model have been identified. These areas include flexible nature of the learning, the overall comfort with technology and perceptions of technology use, peer to peer engagement and attitudes of the teacher to support the technology as a viable form of instruction (Christensen, 2002). In order to facilitate instruction effectively, learners should be encouraged to reflect on information presented which helps to build up their cognitive skills. Cognitive presence is said to be achieved if students can use their understanding to create meaning out of new knowledge by reflecting and discussing i.e. asynchronous type of learning. Kanuka & Garrison (2004) points out that, for instructors to facilitate higher order learning, cognitive presence should be achieved through reflective thinking, learner centered learning and metacognition.
Methodology mixed method approach ---The qualitative question : What are the perceptions held by students towards e-learning in terms of information retention? --- The quantitative question : the relationship between using eLearning and information retention. Data Collection: survey Data Analysis
Methodology Limitations of the study: --- limited people participating in the survey. --- Un-cleared question in the survey.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Survey questions: 1. How comfortable are students with eLearning?
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2. Which type of learning do you prefer? --- Self instruction or face to face meeting
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3. How satisfied are you with the content presentation in terms of your ability to retain information?
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4. How satisfied are you with using eLearning as a form of instruction?
Conclusion and Recommendation majority of the students preferred face-to-face learning even though they are comfortable with eLearning. This paper showed that face-to-face meeting is still a better way for students to learn and study in class and it shows more physical activities and involvement in retaining information.
Conclusion and Recommendation instructors to use flipped classroom method in their teaching instructors should not only post study materials online but also create interaction activities between students and instructors to help students understand study materials.
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