NextGen Trustee GL/Accounting This class will cover NextGen Financial Management for Trustee Offices. We will look at GL accounts, Transactions, Bank Reconciliation, and Reports.
GL Account Inquiry Financial Management – General Ledger – GL Account Inquiry Choose a Fiscal Year for the search Enter the account number Click Find to return results Double click on the account to view
GL Account Inquiry The General screen lists the Periods, Beginning Balance, Debits, Credits, and Ending Balance for each period. Double click on a period (Month) to open it and view activity on the account for that period.
GL Account Inquiry The General screen for the month selected contains balance information. The budget amounts on this screen are not used by Trustee’s offices.
GL Account Inquiry On the Account Analysis Tab, you can click Find to display all transactions for the month or you can enter a specific date range to narrow your search results. Double click on a transaction to open it. The General screen for the transaction has additional information. You can add or view any notes related to the transaction on the Internal Notes screen.
GL Account Inquiry The Entries screen shows the full GL entry associated with the account transaction selected. From the Fiscal Year Period screen, you can also go to the Transactions tab to search and view transactions. From this screen, you have more view options for searching.
GL Account Inquiry From the GL Account Fiscal Year Inquiry screen, you can also go to the Account Analysis or Transactions tabs to search and view the account activity for the fiscal year.
GL Account Inquiry On the Period Balances By Year screen, you can compare balances for the selected account by period across multiple fiscal years. Select the number of years from the dropdown and click View Years.
GL Accounts Under GL Accounts, you can search for GL Accounts, add new accounts, or add a fiscal year to an existing account. If you get an error like this one when trying to prorate receipts, you will need to go to the GL Accounts screen to add the account to the GL. If you aren’t sure if the GL account has ever been used before, change the fiscal year to “(None)” and enter the GL account number and click Find. If no results are returned, click on “New” in the ribbon bar to add it.
GL Accounts Enter the GL Account number and click “Add Fiscal Year” Everything should default in for you on the Add Fiscal Year Screen. Click Save & Close to return to the previous screen. Save & Close again to finish. NOTE: If you are going to use a liability or asset account like a revenue code (with a department number other than 999), you will need to choose “Close Account Balance” for the Year End Action.
GL Accounts If you search for a GL account and the account is found in the search results, double click on the account to open it. Click on “Add Fiscal Year” to add the year the same as you would if you were adding a new account. When the account is listed but you have errors on the account when prorating, it is usually because it doesn’t have the current fiscal year added.
Transactions Financial Management – Transactions Transactions can be added under Transaction or Transaction Batches. Using Transaction Batches is a good choice if you will have several transactions to add and want to post them all at once. To add a transaction batch, click on Transaction Batches in the menu and then click “New” in the ribbon bar.
Transactions The batch ID defaults in for you, but you can change this to whatever you want. Most will leave their initials but change the date to whatever their transaction date is going to be if it is a different date. Go to the Transactions tab and click Add Transaction to add a transaction. Enter or select the batch date from the calendar. You will be prompted to save the batch. Click Yes to save.
Transactions If you have a template set up for the transaction you need to enter, select it from the dropdown. The “Post this transaction” box is checked only if you want the transaction to be posted when you finish entering it. Since we are doing this as a batch transaction for this example, we will not check this box. Select your batch from the dropdown and enter the transaction date. The period should default in for you if you. Select the transaction type from the dropdown. Enter a description for the transaction. If you are entering a transaction type that requires you to select a bank account, you will have to select the bank account before continuing. Click “Next” to continue
Transactions Enter the account numbers and the debit and credit amounts in the appropriate fields. Click “Next” to continue. A summary screen comes up. You can print the pre- post report from this screen by clicking on the link, but since the transaction is being done in a batch, you can wait and print the pre-post for the entire batch before posting.
Transactions Click on the Entries tab to view your transaction. You can click “Back” to go back and make any necessary corrections. Click “Finish” to complete the transaction. A Confirmation screen comes up where you can click on the link in the Tasks box to Add Another Transaction. You can also choose to Create a Template for the transaction. For this example, we will click on the link to Add Another Transaction
Transactions For this example, we will choose to “Use Allocation” for our transaction. The use allocation feature will allow you to enter your revenue code and then choose an allocation table and the software will do the “split-out” of the revenues based on the allocation table chosen. You can enter any notes for the transaction in the Internal Notes text box. Click “Next” to continue
Transactions If you need entries made for the commission, select the commission transaction type from the dropdown. In this example, we don’t need commission entries made. Select the function and the allocation table from the dropdown and enter the debit or credit amounts for each line. Click “Next” to continue
Transactions Then entries screen will show the full entry created by the “use allocation” option. Click “Next” to continue. The summary screen comes up. Click “Finish” to complete the transaction.
Transactions Click “Close” on the confirmation screen if you are finished adding transactions. The system takes you back to the Transaction Batch screen. You can click on “Add Transaction” to add another transaction or you can choose to Save & Close to close the transaction batch screen and come back to it later, or you can click on the General tab for posting options.
Transactions Click on the Print Batch link in the Tasks box to print the “Pre-Post” report. Transaction Batch/Pre-Post Report
Transactions Click on the “Close Batch” link to close the batch. After closing the batch, a link in the tasks box appears for “Re-Open Batch” so you can re-open it if necessary. Click on the “Post Batch” link when you are ready to post the transactions. Make sure any batches you need to post are selected and click “Next” to continue. The Summary screen comes up. Make sure the totals are correct and click “Finish”. A confirmation screen comes up when the transaction posting is complete. Click “Close” to exit the batch screen.
Transactions To enter a transaction without putting it in a transaction batch, go to Transactions and click on New in the ribbon bar. Check the box for “Post this Transaction.” Enter the date, Transaction Type, Description and select the Bank Account if necessary. Click “Next” to continue.
Transactions Enter the account numbers and debit/credit amounts. Click “Next” to continue The summary screen comes up. Click on the Pre-Post Report link to print the pre- post report. Click “Finish” to post the transaction.
Transaction Templates Go to Transaction Templates under the Transactions menu to add new template. Enter a description for the template, select the transaction type, and enter a description for the transaction. Select a bank account for the transaction if needed. (This is used for the transaction to appear on the bank statement) Enter the GL Account numbers for the template. You can enter amounts in the debit/credit fields, or just enter $0.00 as a “reminder” of which account lines to debit or credit when using the template to enter a transaction. Click Save & Close in the ribbon bar when finished adding information for the template.
Bank Reconciliation - Import Bank Statement Financial Management – Bank Reconciliation – Import Bank Statement You can use an import file for reconciling checks or department disbursements. In this example we will import a bank statement file for reconciling department disbursements. You will need have a file downloaded from you bank and a file definition set up for the file in NextGen in order to use this process. Click on “New” in the Ribbon Bar to start an import for a Bank Statement.
Bank Reconciliation – Import Bank Statement Make any desired changes to the Batch ID Enter the Batch Date Select the Bank Account associated with the file you are importing The File Definition defaults in for you Click on the “Import Statement” link in the tasks box Click “Yes” when prompted to save the batch. 27
Browse to where the import file from the bank is saved, click on the file to select it and click “open.” An Import Complete message comes up. Click “OK” to continue. 28 Bank Reconciliation – Import Bank Statement
Click on the “Print Batch” link in the tasks box to print the disbursements imported with the bank statement. Import Statement Report Example: 29 Bank Reconciliation – Import Bank Statement
Any records on the import file that do not match the department disbursements on your system will appear on the Exception Report. Those records will not pull in for reconciliation and will need to be manually reconciled. A window comes up to browse to the location of the import file. Select the file and click open. (When this is done, the system does a comparison of records in the import file to those actually imported.) Click on the “Print Exception Report” link to run the exception report. Bank Reconciliation – Import Bank Statement
Exception report example: Click on the “Transactions Imported” tab to view the imported transactions. Click on “Save and Close” in the ribbon bar when finished with the import statement option. Bank Reconciliation – Import Bank Statement
After you have imported the bank statement, go to “Reconcile Bank Accounts.” Click “New” in the Ribbon Bar. Make any changes to the Batch ID as needed. Enter the reconciliation date. Click on Add Statement. Bank Reconciliation – Department Disbursements
Select the Reconciliation type from the dropdown arrow and use the check boxes select the bank. Make changes as needed to the description. Enter the Reconcile Date and Amount. 33 Bank Reconciliation – Department Disbursements
Go to the “Transactions” tab and click on “Filter Transactions.” The disbursements imported from the bank statement are automatically marked as cleared. If there were any records on the exceptions report from the statement import process, those would need to be marked as reconciled manually. Click on Save and Close in the ribbon bar when finished. 34 Bank Reconciliation – Department Disbursements
You are returned to the Bank Reconciliation Batch screen. Print any Bank Account Statement Reconciliation Reports you need and then click on the link to complete the process. 35 Bank Reconciliation – Department Disbursements
Bank Reconciliation Batch Report – Ran for Reconciled items only. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX The reconciliation report from the bank reconciliation batch process can be ran for Payroll, Vendor, or all and it can be ran for reconciled, unreconciled or all. Click on Save and Close in the ribbon bar when done. 36 Bank Reconciliation – Department Disbursements
Reconcile Bank Account We have looked at reconciling department disbursements using bank reconciliation in NextGen, now we will look at reconciling bank accounts. Financial Management – Bank Reconciliation – Reconcile Bank accounts If you have started a bank reconciliation and need to go back to it, click on Find to display open bank reconciliation batches. You can also search by reconciliation date or batch ID.
Reconcile Bank Account To start a new bank reconciliation, click on “New” in the ribbon bar. Make any changes you need to the Batch ID and enter the Reconciliation Date. Click “Add Statement”
Reconcile Bank Account Answer “Yes” to save the batch. Select a Reconciliation Type – You can choose Bank Account, Cash Account, or Department Disbursement. In this example, we will choose Bank Account. Enter a description for the reconciliation batch and the statement ending date (this should be the same as your reconciliation date). Enter the ending balance from your bank statement along with any interest, fees, or adjustments not already posted for the bank statement period. The Adjusted Cash in Bank balance defaults in for you. (This is the ending balance for your bank account on the GL for the period you are reconciling.)
Reconcile Bank Account Select “Filter Transactions to bring up transactions to reconcile. You can enter specific filter data to narrow down the results if desired. Check the boxes for items that have cleared on your bank statement. When you have finished marking items as reconciled there should be no difference showing if everything balances.
Reconcile Bank Account If there is a difference, make sure the cleared payments and deposit totals match what is on your bank statement. You can click on the “Difference” link to view a summary report for the reconciliation. TIP: If the difference on your bank reconciliation is a positive number, look for: A check that was marked as cleared in error A deposit that should be marked as cleared Unrecorded revenue, such as bank interest If the difference is a negative number, look for: A check that should be marked as cleared A deposit that is marked as cleared in error Unrecorded entry for expense, such as bank fees
Reconcile Bank Account When finished, click Save & Close in the ribbon bar. The system takes you back to the Bank Reconciliation Batch Screen, where you can add another statement or you can print the Bank Statement Reconciliation Report and then complete the reconciliation.
Financial Management - Reports The Trustee “GL” reports are found under Financial Management – Reporting – Reports (with exception of the RDB report which is found under Trustee, Reporting, Reports). From the Reports Search screen, click “Find” for a list of reports. You can also type the name or first few letters of the name of the report you are looking for to narrow your search results. Double click on the report you need to open it.
When running the Account Analysis Reports, please keep in mind that the Account Analysis report does not have the source code on it. Under normal circumstances you should always run the Account Analysis By Department (this report may be named Trustee Account Analysis by Department). Account Analysis Report: Financial Management Reports Trustee Account Analysis by Department Report:
The Trustee Department Report is a report that was added for Trustee’s report to the Department of Education. The Department of Education no longer requires eReporting for the Annual Dept of Ed report. This can now be submitted in a pdf document. The Trustee Department Report has the information required for this reporting and can be saved to pdf format. Trustee Department Report: If you have a template set up for the Department of Education Reporting, select the template and you will only need to select the fiscal year and thru period to run the report. Select the Fiscal Year and the through period should be the last period of the fiscal year (June 2016). Select the Account control. Trustee Department Report
Financial Management Reports Trustee Department Report On the Account Segments Tab, click on “Function” in the Account Segments box and then select all function codes except in the Chart of Accounts box. Click on “Department” in the Account Segments box and then select your departments for the Department of Education Reporting
Go to the Advanced tab and select all Account Types. If you didn’t have a Report Template set up for the Department of Education Report, now is a good time to add one (before continuing with the report). To add a template with the data you already have selected, go back to the General Tab and click on the ellipsis in the Filter Template field and choose to “Add New Report Filter.” Note: You may want to remove the fiscal year and thru period before saving the template so that data isn’t always filled in for you Financial Management Reports Trustee Department Report
Enter a name and description for the report filter template. Click on Save & Close when done. With the template added, you are ready to run the report. Trustee Department Report (Note: This report has totals for each account, but not a running department balance.) Note: You can add multiple report filter templates for any report to make running the reports quicker and easier. You can edit a report filter by selecting the filter and then making any changes to the selected items and then choosing “Edit Report Filter” from the ellipsis and then clicking on “Save & Close) Financial Management Reports Trustee Department Report
Trustee Department Balance Report The Trustee Department Balance Report is similar to the Trustee Department Report, but the Department Balance Report has a beginning balance for the period and a running total for the department balance. To run the Department Balance Report, you only need to select the Fiscal year and period and then select the departments to run the report for. Trustee Department Balance Report:
Trustee/Financial Management Report Packages Report Packages are used to create a “group” of reports that can be ran all together. All NextGen Trustee/Financial Management sites will have a Month End and a Year End report package set up. Those are the report packages you select when doing the period end. These have the standard reports required for period end. Financial Management – Reporting – Report Packages
To add a new Report Package, go to System Administration – Report Packages. From the Report Package Search screen click “New” in the ribbon bar. Financial Management Report Packages
Enter a Description for the Report Package. Edit Access should be Public unless you want the report package restricted to only the user that added it. Special Processing should be “Period End”. Choose the output format and printer (if desired). Select the Reports to include in the package (Report Definitions). Enter the number of copies to print. Select the Report Filter (this should be a Report filter that is set up to run with the criteria you are setting the report package up for – example: if setting up a Report Package for BOE, then the Report filters should be set up to run for the BOE departments.) Click “Save and Close” in the ribbon bar to save the Report Package. Financial Management Report Packages
When doing period end, select and run your normal Month End Reports Package and then select any additional monthly report packages you need to run. In this example we have selected the report package for the Monthly BOE Reports. Click “Next” to run the report package. Financial Management Report Packages