Welcome Room 2 AM Kindergarten Ms. Silvera Room 2 AM Kindergarten Ms. Silvera Room 1 AM Kindergarten / First grade Ms. Silvera
Rest and Nutrition Please see that your child gets hours of sleep and a good breakfast. Studies show that children do better in school with the proper rest and nutrition.
Attendance Please be sure that your child arrives on time everyday. It is important that your child develop the habit of prompt and regular attendance. Late arrivals disrupt lessons already in progress. Late arrivals must check in at the office for a late pass. Kinder will be dismissed at 11:15 AM.
Absences & Early Dismissal If your child is absent please call the office at , or after hours at , to explain the absence. If it is necessary for your child to be released early sign him or her out at the office. They will give you a slip to bring to me.
Dress Policy Your child needs to feel comfortable sitting on the floor, (girls-skorts or shorts under short skirts), playing outside, working with paint or clay, and moving to music. PLEASE!, PLEASE!, PLEASE!, be sure to LABEL any outer clothing, SWEATERS, JACKETS, SWEATSHIRTS, etc. The children’s clothes often look alike and are so hard to identify if they are not labeled.
English Language Arts We will be implementing the Common Core State Standards. Please be sure to pick up a copy of the Standards on the back table by the sign in sheet. We will be using the phonics section of Open Court and supplemental materials to teach reading. Write Tools will be for language arts.
Math We will be implementing the Common Core State Standards with enVisionMath by Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley
Daily Schedule 8:00-9:00 ELA 9: :10 Inquiry and writing 10:10-10:20 Snack/Recess 10:20 – 11:00 Math in Room 2 11:15 Kinder dismissal Wednesday – computer lab (8:05 – 8:50)
Homework Math homework is given on Tuesday and Thursday which is due the next day. Everyone will take home a purple folder on Thursdays. All other homework for kinder will be in the purple folder and is due by Wednesday of the next week..DIRT Logs are due on Friday. (10)
Misc. Field Trip –Usually in Feb. or Mar. Fall parent conferences will be Nov. 30 – Dec.4 and Dec. 7 & 8 Spring Dates : Mar Volunteers are welcome. Fundraiser Show and Tell is at the end of each trimester. The next one is Nov. 30th
Thank You Thank you for coming this evening and taking an interest your child’s education. To contact me please call me here at the school ( 2:30 – 3:30) or at my message number, , after school.