Vídeo Musical ¡Traduce, Sabe y Canta!
Traduce una canción Paso 1: choose a song from Sr. Noelle Paso 1: choose a song from Sr. Noelle Paso 2: receive lyrics to translate to English and find out what song you are to sing; don’t use a translator. Paso 2: receive lyrics to translate to English and find out what song you are to sing; don’t use a translator. Paso 3: make a recording of the song in Spanish using video or sound recording; music video would be outstanding! Paso 3: make a recording of the song in Spanish using video or sound recording; music video would be outstanding!
The song and the lyrics Translate the lyrics of the song you receive, writing the English words next to the Spanish lyrics. Translate the lyrics of the song you receive, writing the English words next to the Spanish lyrics. Once you know what the song is, only translate words that you don’t know or understand. Once you know what the song is, only translate words that you don’t know or understand. Pero nunca lo sabía… - I knew Pero nunca lo sabía… - I knew You will turn this in along with your recording. You will turn this in along with your recording.
The recording You can sing to the camera, into a microphone, or make a music video You can sing to the camera, into a microphone, or make a music video All members should participate (sing) All members should participate (sing) You can divide the song into parts and each member can sing one part; or, you can all sing the entire song together You can divide the song into parts and each member can sing one part; or, you can all sing the entire song together It won’t be perfect - just have fun!!! It won’t be perfect - just have fun!!!
Grading 20 pts. 80 pts. Translation of lyrics Translation of lyrics Pronunciation and Rhythm Pronunciation and Rhythm Video/audio recording in song form Video/audio recording in song form Daily Participation Daily ParticipationTOTAL Lyrics checked on Friday, May 8 th.
DUE: jueves, 14 de mayo (HS) viernes, 15 de mayo (MS)