G-MG.A.1 Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects. IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Create a video about a given geometric topic. The students will create a video and provide peer feedback on the video to demonstrate understanding about a geometric topic. iPads, iMovie, Educreation, Blackboard Use a collaboration website to discuss and determine the methods for finding the surface area of prisms and cylinders. The students will collaborate to apply the surface area formulas of prisms and cylinders. Website Tool : Stoodle Qrstuff.com and Blackboard assignment manager Use an interactive web tool to find the surface area of prisms and cylinders. The student will calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism and cylinder. Website Tool: learner.org geometry/area.htmlhttp:// geometry/area.html and Blackboard assignment manager. Use the online textbook to watch and complete a SolveIt! problem. The student will recognize the net of a right cylinder. Website Tool: online textbook at Louisiana Math Standard (include description): Teacher: Julie Beville MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement
Solve It! 1.Login to 2.Click on Geometry Common core under Programs. 3.Click on Chapter Click on Lesson Under Step 1, click on Solve It! 6.Complete the interactive problem by watching the video and answering the question in your math journal. Use the online textbook to watch and complete a SolveIt! problem. This task uses: Website Tool: online textbook at Learning Objective(s): The student will recognize the net of a right cylinder. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Getting to the surface of it all! 1.Go to learner.org site at Play the video of the prism net unfolding. Find the area of each surface. Then, find the total surface area of the rectangular prism. 3.Take a screen shot showing your correct calculations to save to the camera roll. 4.Play the video of the cylinder net unfolding. Find the area of each surface. Then, find the total surface area of the cylinder. 5.Take a screen shot showing your correct calculations to save to the camera roll. 6.Upload your images in the Blackboard assignment manager. Use an interactive web tool to find the surface area of prisms and cylinders. This task uses: The online web tool at learner.org. Blackboard assignment manager. Learning Objective(s): The student will calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism and cylinder. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Let’s Stoodle! 1.Scan your QR code to enter your group’s whiteboard. 2.Enter your nickname/identifier 3.Using the Chat feature, determine who will write in which color. (Everyone is to use a different color.) Also, determine the order in which each member of the group will work the problem. 4.Complete the handout using the Roundtable Kagan Strategy. 5.Once EACH problem is completed, Student 1 takes a screen shot of the completed problem, then clears the white board. 6.One ALL problems are completed, Student 1 submits the group’s work by uploading the screen shots to the Blackboard assignment manager. Use a collaboration website to discuss and determine the methods for finding the surface area of prisms and cylinders. This task uses: Website Tool: Stoodle Qrstuff.com Blackboard assignment manager Learning Objective(s): The students will collaborate to apply the surface area formulas of prisms and cylinders. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.
iMovie 1.Use an iMovie on an iPad to record a 2-4 minute segment pertaining to your topic. This segment can be a documentary, a dramatic re-creation, or a music video to help explain your topic. Save the video by sending to the iPad camera roll. 2.Use Educreations to create an animated and narrated whiteboard example showing how to work a problem pertaining to your topic. This segment needs to be less than 1 minute. 3.Use iMovie to create your final video using both the segments you have created. 4.Save the completed video in the iPad camera roll. 5.Open Safari and go to our Blackboard site and load your video in the discussion board. 6.Once all videos have been uploaded, view and comment on 2 other videos and provide a star rating for each of them. Create a video about a given geometric topic. This task uses: iPads iMovie Educreations Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The students will create a video and provide peer feedback on the video to demonstrate understanding about a geometric topic. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.