NAZI GERMANY Consolidation of Power
Hitler Becomes Chancellor 1932 – von Papen the chancellor at the time could not get enough support in the Reichstag He tried to make Hitler his vice-chancellor in order to use his popularity Hitler refused This is an example of political scheming 1933, after von Papen resigned he convinced Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor, in order to control him However this backfired.
Reichstag Fire Hindenburg agreed to another election in 1933 Hitler wanted this so that he would get more seats in the Reichstag At the end of February the Reichstag building was destroyed by fire. A communist named van der lubbe was arrested and charged Hitler used this to attack the communists Some say Hitler planned the attack Hitler also used the fire to say there was a state of emergency and Hindenburg signed the presidential decree for the protection of the people of the state This allowed him to take away freedom of speech, arrest communists and arrest people without trial Many communists were banned and put into prison, along with the party being banned Election was held in an atmosphere of fear due to the SA Nazis did not get absolute majority which meant Hitler had to rely on other parties to get laws passed.
Enabling Law Enabling Law – the Nazi government could introduce laws without the approval of the Reichstag for the next four years. To get this law Hitler needed 2/3 majority of votes from the Reichstag This was hihgly unlikely However, most communists were in prison On the day of the vote SA surrounded the Kroll Opera House and those who were going to vote against the law were too afraid to enter Hitler managed to get the law passed. This law made Hitler, dictator The enabling law was used to; Remove jews and opponents of Nazis from jobs Trades unions banned and strikes illegal Other parties banned Germany became on party state Censorship and control of the press
The Night of Long Knives SA helped Hitler but was now way to big to control Most of the members were thugs and were becoming an embarrassment to Hitler and the Nazi party. They were also not needed because Nazi enemies had been dealt with Leader of SA Ernst Rohm was to socialist according to Hitler. June 1934 – Rohm and other SA leaders killed by SS The event was also used to wipe out all enemies of the party.
Death of Hindenburg Hindenburg died in August 1934 The army agreed that Hitler should be made President and the Chancellor This made his the Fuhrer. The army took an oath of allegiance to Hitler It became dangerous to oppose Hitler Gestapo (secret police) controlled all aspects of every day lives
Help of Leading Nazis Goering – Hitler's deputy who set up first concentration camp, new air force, the luftwaffe and directed the Four Year Plan to prepare Germany for War Himmler – leader of SS and German police, he was the one to establish death camps Heydrich – head of Gestapo and responsible for the details behind the extermination of the Jews Goebbels – in charge of propaganda and was a brilliant speaker. Very anti- sematic and ordered the Kristallnacht Bormann – Hitler's secretary Hitler was party leader Gauleiters – responsible for leading the party in a district/area of Germany Zellenleiters – in charge of town suburbs Blockelters – in charge of a block of flats or group of houses
The SS Strong highly disciplined group used for protection of Hitler and Nazis Under the control of Hitler they put into practice Nazi policies Played an important role in the Night of Long Knives Replaced the SA as he most important security force in Germany took over police force and Gestapo They were the main way in which the Nazis terrorised opponents or intimidated people Had unlimited power to arrest people without trials etc SS had its own schools, factories and farms to breed perfect German children The Warfenn SS was the most committed unit Responsible for carrying out many Jewish deaths
The Gestapo After 1936, they became state secret police under the control of Himmler They; Tapped phones Intercepted mail Spied on people Any opposition would be reported to the Gestapo who would arrest the suspect There was no way to be protected against them Those arrested by the Gestapo were often taken at night and tortured Punishments included concentration camps or execution
Censorship and Propaganda Goebbels was in charge of censorship and propaganda He ran the Ministry of People’s Enlightenment and Propaganda All types of media were supervised Media was given very cheaply so everyone could hear Nazi messages Books were banned due to being un-Nazi These methods controlled public opinion and generated support for Hitler 1936 – 1 million people attended Nuremburg Rallies where Hitler was a superstar