M. Gilchriese Upgrade Stave Mechanics(Only) Status September 16, 2006
M. Gilchriese 2 References Only address mechanical work here There is a wiki page for this work at de_R%26D_-_Mechanical_Studies de_R%26D_-_Mechanical_Studies Bill Miller et al primarily responsible for design, FEA and tooling design His most recent talk, at STD6, is at the wiki link – look at this for much more complete status report. Overall concept in STD6 talk from Carl also at wiki link.
M. Gilchriese 3 Concept Reminder 1 meter long prototype, shown with modules, hybrids High modulus facings with honeycomb core Aluminum U-tube Side closeouts End closeouts Guide and locating pins
M. Gilchriese 4 Status Concept complete enough to begin fabrication of prototypes Working on tooling design for fabrication of mechanical stave core. Buy high modulus fiber and honeycomb All other fabrication at LBNL Will use existing pipes from pixel project(to save $) for prototypes. Would not use same pipe in real objects, but close enough. Have recently added new CMM capability(2m objects, combined touch and optical probes). Flatness of mechanical core is sure to be an issue. Also measured sag compared to calculated.