To understand and improve our time management To understand and improve our stress management To develop independent learning skills WEEK 3 OBJECTIVES
Objectives: To understand and improve our time management To develop independent learning skills WEEK 3 DAY 1: TIME MANAGEMENT
Watch the following video… ted ted Or search ‘Giraffe tells zebra how to prioritise’ TIME MANAGEMENT
How much time do you spend each day doing the following? Jot your answers down on a piece of scrap paper TIME MANAGEMENT
As a class discuss your answers to the previous questions Let’s hope you don’t spend less time studying than some of the other activities! The results…
If you are struggling to manage your time effectively then here are some tips… TIME MANAGEMENT TIPS
Determine a place free from distraction (no mobile phone or text messaging!) where you can maximize your concentration and be free of the distractions that friends or hobbies can bring! What is the best study space you can think of? DEDICATED STUDY SPACE
When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task. You'll be fresh, and have more energy to take them on when you are at your best. For important pieces of work, try to be flexible: for example, build in reaction time when you can get feedback on course work before it is due. What subject has always caused you problems? PRIORITISE YOUR HOMEWORK AND COURSE WORK
The longest journey starts with a single step What is a first step you can identify for an assignment to get yourself started? Achieve ‘stage one’: get something done!
Postpone tasks or routines that can be put off until your school work is finished! This can be the most difficult challenge of time management. As learners we always meet unexpected opportunities that look appealing, then result in poor performance on a test, on a paper, or in preparation for a task. Distracting activities will be more enjoyable later without the pressure of the test, assignment, etc. hanging over your head. Think in terms of pride of accomplishment. Instead of saying "no" learn to say "later”. What is one distraction that causes you to stop studying? POSTPONE UNNECESSARY ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE WORK IS DONE!
Are there teachers? An expert friend? Have you tried a keyword search on the Internet to get better explanations? Are there specialists in the library that can point you to resources? What about professionals and professional organisations. Using outside resources can save you time and energy, and solve problems. IDENTIFY RESOURCES TO HELP YOU
Think of times when you can study "bits" as when walking, riding the bus, etc. Perhaps you've got music to listen to for your course in music, or drills in language learning? If you are walking to school, when best to listen? Perhaps you are in a line waiting? Perfect for routine tasks like flash cards, or if you can concentrate, to read or review a chapter. The bottom line is to put your time to good use. What is one example of applying free time to your studies? USE YOUR FREE TIME WISELY
Review lesson material immediately after class. The first 24 hours are critical. Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours without review! How would you do this? Is there free time you can use? REVIEW NOTES JUST AFTER LESSONS
Weekly reviews and updates are also an important strategy. Each week, maybe a Sunday night, review your assignments, your notes, your calendar. Be mindful that as deadlines and exams approach, your weekly routine must adapt to them! What is the best time in a week you can review? WEEKLY REVIEWS
Or search ‘Dilbert time management’ in YouTube WEEK 3 DAY 2: TIME MANAGEMENT
Answer the following questions with a grading of 1 to 5, with 1 being “strongly agree” and 5 being “strongly disagree” These questions will help you to understand how effective you are at time management TIME MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT
Are the tasks you work on during the day the ones with the highest priority? QUESTION 1
Do you find yourself completing tasks at the last minute, or asking for extensions? QUESTION 2
Do you set aside time for planning and scheduling? QUESTION 3
Do you know how much time you are spending on the various jobs you do? QUESTION 4
Do you often find yourself dealing with interruptions? QUESTION 5
Do you use goal setting to decide what tasks and activities you should work on? QUESTION 6
Do you leave contingency time in your schedule to deal with "the unexpected"? QUESTION 7
Do you know whether the tasks you are working on are high, medium, or low value? QUESTION 8
When you are given a new assignment, do you analyze it for importance and prioritise it accordingly? QUESTION 9
Are you stressed about deadlines and commitments? QUESTION 10
Do distractions often keep you from working on critical tasks? QUESTION 11
Do you find you have to take work home, in order to get it done? QUESTION 12
Do you prioritise your "To Do" list? QUESTION 13
Do you regularly confirm your priorities with your teacher? QUESTION 14
Before you take on a task, do you check that the results will be worth the time put in? QUESTION 15
Now spend a few minutes with the person next to you and share your thoughts on how effective you are at time management Feed back to the whole group If you wish to get your time management score then visit this website and take the test in your own time… END OF QUESTIONNAIRE
Spend 3 minutes in groups of 3 to think of a definition for the word ‘procrastination’ WEEK 3 DAY 3: TIME MANAGEMENT
Procrastination is… Procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of low-priority, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time. PROCRASTINATION
elated elated Or search ‘Time Management Rap’ in YouTube Don’t just sit on the sofa watching I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here TIME MANAGEMENT RAP
Now it’s time to complete a revision timetable. Remember to consider the following things before completing: What exams you have soon Any commitments you have (being at school, netball practice, play rehearsal, paper round) Be realistic Have more than 1 session per subject/topic ACTIVITY: REVISION TIMETABLE
Objectives: To understand stress management and improve our own stress management To improve independent learning WEEK 3 DAY 4: STRESS MANAGEMENT
Do you know how stressed you are? Give yourself a stress rating out of 10 Spend 2 minutes with the person next to you discussing what makes you stressed HOW STRESSED ARE YOU?
Money issues Over-demanding work Unsatisfactory work Relationship problems Constant caregiving Holiday pressures (family demands) Taking on too much Not enough quality time Striving to be perfect A lack of passion Disorganised clutter (messy living space) 11 common stress triggers are…
Using your organiser, spend 1 minute each day for the next week keeping a stress diary. All you have to do is the following: Give yourself a stress rating out of 10 for that day (0 being ‘not stressed at all’ and 10 being ‘extremely stressed’) Write down the things that have made you stressed for that day After 1 week, you should have a better idea on what makes you stressed. HOMEWORK
Jot down some ideas from the following slides on how to cope with stress. It may have a positive impact on how you live your life. 10 TIPS FOR COPING WITH STRESS
Escape from your problem, if only for a while. Lose yourself in a change of scene, or an interest. Give yourself a treat, it doesn’t have to take long or cost a lot. A relaxing bath, a quiet walk or an hour with friends. TIP 1: TAKE TIME OUT
This could be anything from learning new skills, painting, gardening, getting more involved in your local community, volunteering. TIP 2: GETTING INVOLVED
The simplest form of relaxation is to take some deep breaths. Wherever you are you can concentrate on your breathing for a few seconds and allow it to deepen. Try to fit things into your day that help you unwind – reading, listening to music, whatever you enjoy or find relaxing. TIP 3: LEARN TO RELAX
It might help to stop and think about your life, and work out what things are important to you. Are you wasting time and worry on things that do not really count? TIP 4: BE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT
Everyone needs to do this sometimes. Choose a friend, relative or professional helper you can trust. If you feel there is no-one to talk to, you could call or a helpline. TIP 5: TALK OVER YOUR WORRY
When times are difficult, it is sometimes all we can do to survive. Take one day at a time. Try not to be too hard on yourself or others and take time out if you need it. Avoid using snacks/cigarettes/alcohol to cope with stress. Giving yourself time to cope now will help in the long term. Tip 6: don’t expect too much of yourself
Find something you enjoy doing and do it regularly – walking, cycling, swimming or dancing for example. It can really help to reduce stress and depression. TIP 7: TAKE SOME PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
Compare your problem with those of others, or imagine how you will feel about your worry in 6 months or a year. You may realise it is not so bad after all. TIP 8: KEEP THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE
Our beliefs, background, culture, religion, sexuality and experiences make us who we are. Everyone is entitled to respect, including you. TIP 9: ACCEPTING WHO YOU ARE
Try practising in your head how you will cope with a stressful situation. If you can picture yourself coping well then you are more likely to be able to in reality. TIP 10: THINK POSITIVE
Don’t forget to complete your stress diary… HAVE A STRESS-FREE WEEKEND!