Tegeler Campus CHAMPS
CHAMPSCHAMPS Hallway Passing Period Speak with an inside voice.Find nearest teacher or next class period teacher. Walk to your next scheduled class. Check phones and use restroom, if needed. You have 4 minutes. Space (6 inch rule). Follow your schedule. Directly moving toward your next destination with hands to yourself. Safe and productive student.
CHAMPSCHAMPS Restroom No verbal or nonverbal communication.Secure teacher permission.Going to restroom during class time.Walking directly to assigned restroom and back.Take pass with you, not disturbing classes.Maximize student learning and efficiency.
CHAMPSCHAMPS Transitioning While Class is in Session No verbal or nonverbal communication.Ask for help once you reach your destination.Travelling in hallway during class time.Walking quietly to destination.Directly to destination.Not disturbing learners.
CHAMPSCHAMPS Lunch Use an inside voice.Ask nearest adult on duty. Eating lunch inside or outside. Following ticket instructions. Move safely with purpose and respect. Finish lunch, pick up and throw away trash, restroom. Continue following ticket instructions. Enjoy lunch.
CHAMPSCHAMPS Arrival Use inside voice even when outside.Ask nearest adult on duty.Arriving to school by bus, car or walking.Report to courtyard or cafeteria.Finish breakfast and prepare for school day.Begin with success in mind
CHAMPSCHAMPS Dismissal Use inside voice.Ask nearest adult on duty.Exit campus by bus, car, walking Walk safely with purpose.Move directly to destination (bus, car, tutoring, etc).End the day with Success.
CHAMPSCHAMPS Nurse Level 0-hallway, Level 1- with nurse.Ask teacher for permission and secure health referral.Visiting the nurse.Walk directly to and from the clinic. Sign in and discuss issue with nurse. If nurse is not present, report to attendance office To get health issue taken care of successfully.
CHAMPSCHAMPS Individual Library Visit Enter quietly, work quietly.Ask librarian. Clock in, give pass to librarian, achieve task, clock out. Follow librarian / teacher directives. Complete library task assigned. Do not bother other students working. Read to succeed.
CHAMPSCHAMPS Lunch Detention Level 0- hallway and classroom. Ask nearest adult on duty.Detention. Go directly to front of lunch line and show pass. Return directly to detention. Complete teacher assignment.Reflecting on behavior.
CHAMPSCHAMPS Tutoring/Afterschool Activities Level 1- hallway.Ask nearest adult on duty.Tutoring or club.Go directly to assigned room. Participate in assigned activity and must remain with teacher until pre-determined dismissal time. Safe and productive student.