Pack Forums
The Pack Forum is a means of generating youth involvement in the planning and direction of your Pack If run effectively it can be a useful insight for Leaders into what the Cubs actually think about your programme and leadership style
Who are involved? Cub Scout Leader Assistant Leader(s)? Sixers Seconders?
When is it held? During Pack Meeting After Pack Meeting After School Weekend
Where is it held? Scout Hall Local Library McDonalds Sixer’s and Seconders Outing
How often? Monthly Bi Monthly Once a Term
What does it do? -Provides a chance for feedback from the Pack -Involves Sixers and Seconders in decision making -Encourages Sixers to set an example to others -Provides an opportunity to talk through problems -Can be a place to try out new games and activities -Enables the Leaders to get to know the Sixers and Seconders more closely
Sixers can be trained to teach their Six a particular skill or be given time to work out how to tackle a Six project They can also be trained to take over simple Pack Administration eg Collect Subs or Record Attendance Briefing the Sixers about forthcoming events may help avoid clashes and also increase their sense of responsibility
Training for Sixers -How do we do that?
Factsheets FS You and Your Sixers FS Pack Leadership Forums
Hold a couple of fun Training Evenings for Sixers and Seconders only Make time during a Pack Holiday for them Take part in a Sixers and Seconders Weekend