Corporate slide master With guidelines for corporate presentations Jobs Growth Wales Programme
What is Jobs Growth Wales? Key commitment within Programme for Government to create 4,000 job opportunities per year, commencing April Targeted at unemployed, job ready young people, aged 16-24, providing work experience for a 6 month period. The outcome of the programme is to support the young people to enter sustained employment including, where appropriate, an apprenticeship opportunity.
Young people aged who are unemployed, from day 1 of unemployment until they become eligible for the Work Programme. or Who is eligible for the programme? Young people exiting a Welsh Government or other employability programme. What will participants receive? 6 month job opportunity, paid at or above the National Minimum Wage for a minimum of 25 hours per week
5 key strands: Private Sector job opportunities Voluntary Sector Job opportunities for young people that may require a more supported employment approach. Micro businesses and self employment support Graduate Opportunities –building on the Go Wales Programme Job opportunities within the energy sector What are the elements of the programme?
What are the aims of the pilot? To test the delivery model for Jobs Growth Wales programme, focusing on the private sector, micro businesses and self employment elements by: Securing up to 100 job opportunities within the Private sector (targeting SMEs) in Carmarthenshire through existing contracted Work Based Learning Providers. Working with large and regionally important companies in South East Wales to support up to 100 job opportunities, linking with the Skills Growth Wales Programme. Targeting micro businesses to provide up to 10 job opportunities in South East Wales. Supporting up to 10 young people to become self employed.