United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 1 TRANS-EUROPEAN NORTH-SOUTH MOTORWAY(TEM) PROJECT 1 st Experts Group Meeting (Bratislava, 9 February 2004) Introduction of the TEM Master Plan By Mr. Michalis P. Adamantiadis, Regional Adviser
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 2 Content Background Scope Terms of reference Elaboration Objectives of Expert Group Meeting Next steps
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 3 Background Survey and review of TEM and TER (1999 – 2001) Approval of the TEM short-term strategy (Dec. 2001) Master Plan, first priority of the TEM work plan Approval of the TOR (May 2003) IRU/UNECE Agreement for co-financing the work (Sept. 2003) Start of elaboration in Sept (foreseen completion Sept. 2004) Nomination of Prof. D. Tsamboulas (NTUA) and Prof. A. Pearman (Leeds University) as external consultants
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 4 Scope Elaboration of a strategic plan of action for the implementation of the TEM Project objectives in terms of updated and prioritized road and combined transport infrastructure needs of TEM member countries and their immediate neighbors: (1) Investment priorities (2) Timetable for their realization (3) Assessment of cost and financing arrangements
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 5 Terms of Reference Objectives Consistent and realistic investment strategy for the development of the road transport infrastructures in the wider TEM Region, supporting: Promotion of TEM Project goals Extension of TEN-T Development of Pan-European Transport Corridors Promotion of intermodality European transport integration
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 6 Terms of Reference (continued) Tasks (Divided in 10 WPs) Review of related TEM work and European initiatives, policies and studies Socioeconomic framework of concerned countries and alternative scenarios of growth Methodology and main assumptions Inventory of needs Elaboration of Master Plan Funding questions and financing arrangements Border crossing questions Conclusions / recommendations / dissemination
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 7 Terms of Reference (continued) Invited to support the work 13 TEM member countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey 8 non – TEM member countries:Belarus, F.Y.R.O.M, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Ukraine Organizations: EC - ECMT – WB - EBRD - EIB – IRU – Europlatforms – NEA – Pan European Corridors
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United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 9 Elaboration Organisation and management (WP 0) PCOMain responsible National Experts Consolidate national information Invited organizationsThematic support/guidance External consultantsTechnical/ scientific assistance TEM Master Plan Expert Group PCO, National Experts, Organizations, Consultants, UNECE TEM and TER Master Plan Coordination Group PCOs, Consultants, UNECE
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 10 Elaboration (continued) Review of TEM development (WP 1) Description of work / tasks 1.1: Introduction of the TEM Project objectives and degree of their attainment 1.2:Introduction of the TEM technical standards 1.3: Introduction of TEM network and plans 1.4:Introduction of the TEM GIS mapping and database 1.5: Introduction of the TEM Master Plans decisions Outputs – deliverables TEM Project’s background, objectives and plans TimeOctober 2003
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 11 Elaboration (continued) TEM environment in Europe (WP 2) Description of work / tasks 2.1: Collection and review of relevant studies and works 2.2:Pan-European Transport Corridors (PETCs) and TEM 2.3: Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment (TINA) and TEM 2.4:Trans European Transport Networks (TEN-T) and the TEM 2.5: TIRS, REBIS and other 2.6:TEM role and perspectives in the Pan-European context 2.7:Truck and coach initiatives, documents and studies Outputs – deliverables TEM environment in Europe TimeNovember 2003
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 12 Elaboration (continued) Socio-economic framework of concerned countries(WP 3) Description of work / tasks 31: Economic and social characteristics of concerned countries 3.2:Alternative scenarios of growth 3.3: Truck and coach transport components socio-economic aspects Outputs – deliverables Socio-economic status and scenarios of growth in the countries of the TEM wider region TimeJanuary 2004
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 13 Elaboration (continued) Methodology (WP 4) Description of work / tasks 4.1: Definition of bottlenecks, missing links and other priority transport infrastructure needs 4.2:Identification of parameters and assumptions 4.3: Criteria of priority infrastructure needs 4.4:Analysis and processing of data on truck and coach transport 4.5: Identifications of data requirements Outputs – deliverables Methodology and main assumptions for the work TimeJanuary 2004
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 14 Elaboration (continued) Priority infrastructure needs in concerned countries (WP 5) Description of work / tasks 5.1: Collection of necessary information 5.2:Analysis and control of information obtained 5.3: Review and update the TEM Region traffic forecasts 5.4: Establish alternative scenarios for the TEM Master Plan 5.5:Review and prioritize proposed projects 5.6Identify interconnections between TEM other network components (Ports, IWW, SSS, CT) 5.7:Identify possible connections and extensions of the TEM Network with neighboring regions Outputs – deliverables Inventory of priority infrastructure needs and assessment of their costs TimeMay 2004
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 15 Elaboration (continued) Elaboration of Master Plans (WP 6) Description of work / tasks 6.1: Identification of the wider TEM Region Backbone Network 6.2:Elaboration of the wider TEM Region Master Plan and its alternative implementation scenarios 6.3:GIS presentation of the wider TEM Region Master Plans 6.4: Maps and tables related to truck and coaches Outputs – deliverables TEM Master Plan and GIS maps TimeJune 2004
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 16 Elaboration (continued) Addressing funding questions (WP 7) Description of work / tasks 7.1: Inventory of specific projects for implementation 7.2:Estimate of budget for the implementation 7.3:Possibilities of stage construction 7.4: Technical and institutional actions for implementation 7.5:Estimate of financial resources available 7.6:Perspectives to construct the wider TEM Region Backbone Network 7.7:Optimum use of truck and coach road user charges Outputs – deliverables 1. Inventory of specific priority projects and costs 2. Definition of technical and institutional actions required Time July 2004
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 17 Addressing border crossing questions (WP 8) Description of work / tasks 8.1: Inventory of border crossing problems on the wider TEM Region Backbone Network and improvement recommendations Outputs – deliverables 1. Inventory of border crossing problems 2. Recommendations for improvement Time July 2004 Elaboration (continued)
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 18 Elaboration (continued) Conclusions/Recommendations (WP 9) Description of work / tasks 9.1: Conclusions and recommendations 9.2:Results on the WEB pages 9.3:Publication of newsletter, brochures and summary report 9.4:Organization of workshops to present the the results Outputs – deliverables 1.Final Report 2. Dissemination and Public awareness 3.Follow-up preparation Time September 2004
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 19 Elaboration-Time table
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 20 Objectives of Expert Group Meeting Presentation of TOR and status of the work Methodology and scenarios of growth Questionnaire Border crossing and data forecasts Additional data needs for non – TEM countries
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 21 Current status 1 st Coordination meeting, Budapest 16/9/03 2 nd Coordination meeting, Warsaw 15/12/03 Reports of the WP 1 and WP 2 already submitted Reports of the WP 3 and WP 4 will be submitted just after the present meeting TEM and TER Master Plans Website opened and updated
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Transport Division 22 Next steps Submission of country contributions, end of April rd TEM and TER Master Plans Coordination Meetings, Warsaw, 24 May nd TEM Master Plan Expert Group meeting, Warsaw 21 June th TEM and TER Master Plans Coordination Group Meetings, Budapest, September 2004 Completion of work by September 2004 Countries’ contribution is essential for the success
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