G ENDER A SSESSMENTS OF THE N ATIONAL R ESPONSES TO HIV A SUMMARY: Learning from the application of the UNAIDS Gender Assessment Tool in Eleven Countries in East and Southern Africa ICASA 2015 Zimbabwe December 1, 2015 Kibibi M. Thomas Mbwavi Consultant, UNAIDS
Presentation Outline Objective Overview of the UNAIDS Gender Assessment Tool (GAT) Use of the Gender Assessment results to inform National processes Lessons Some recommendations
Objective The main objective of the regional analysis of the gender assessment analyses and tool was to identify best practices, challenges and lessons learned from administering the tool.
Overview of the UNAIDS GAT “UNAIDS Gender Assessment Tool. Towards a Gender Transformative HIV Response.” Guideline Web location: efault/files/media_asset/JC254 3_gender-assessment_en.pdf
Overview of the UNAIDS GAT (2) UNAIDS Gender Assessment Tool (GAT) first piloted in 5 countries including Rwanda Rolled out in over 35 countries globally to date, including 11 in the ESA region GAT currently being adapted by UNAIDS and Stop TB Partnership to include an assessment of the national response to Tuberculosis in five countries in ESA region STAGE 1: Preparing for the Gender Assessment of the national HIV response STAGE 2: Knowing the HIV epidemic and context in the country STAGE 3: Knowing the country HIV response STAGE 4: Analyzing and using the findings of the Gender Assessment for a transformative HIV response
Use of the Gender Assessment results to inform National processes The GA results have also been used to inform the following documents and processes: HIV National Strategic Plans Global Fund Concept Notes Other funding proposals HIV Prevention Strategy National Gender and HIV and AIDS Implementation Plan Poverty Reduction Strategy FBO dialogues on GBV National CSO Forum Strategic Plan Individual CSO Strategic Plans Post 2015 Agenda Targets Agenda for Accelerated Action for Women and Girls
Lessons 1. Administration of the tool Administration of the tool requires a lead hosting agency. This administrative role would allow for moderated discussions on adaptations to the tool content or its methodology. The role also involved the receipt and disbursement of budgetary funds to facilitate the process. 2. Stakeholder and TA management Facilitating clear role division amongst stakeholders is essential. The main stakeholders to the GA process are the national disease coordinating body, UNAIDS and co-sponsors, key government ministries/ departments, CSOs active in gender and in HIV and the GA consultants. Managing GA technical assistance requires knowledge of the tool itself, knowledge from other countries on process duration and maneuvers, the ability to negotiate standards of the deliverables, and the application of best practice teamwork dynamics
Lessons (2) 3. Operating policy environment The key message is that the GA has shed light not only on the technical question “what are the recommended gender interventions in our context?” but it has also revealed another question, namely, “what policy context do we need in order to make these gender interventions possible?”
Some recommendations UNAIDS Gender Assessment Tool (GAT) Provide a shorter version of the tool Review GAT to add optional sub-components for Institutional gender capacity, Humanitarian crisis situations and the Faith- based community UNAIDS Gender Assessment Process Convene Core Team at the beginning of the process to create greater country ownership; facilitate gender and HIV orientation session Regional platform influence Build capacity of SADC in cascade training for SADC to build capacity of country-level government and CS implementers of the SADC Gender protocol to roll out gender interventions (beyond monitoring)
Some recommendations (2) Documentation Support documentation of good practices in the ESA region for inclusion in the global database “What Works for Women and Girls. Evidence for HIV Interventions” Facilitate and support programme evaluation and compilation of a similar repository for what works for men and boys in terms of HIV interventions in the ESA region Technical and Institutional support Support the capacity building of NACs in the area of gender, using the GAT as one of the reference documents Support the recruitment of a Gender officer at NACs GBV Advocacy support Support evidence gathering to support local advocacy for domestic resource allocation to multi-sectoral GBV interventions