Supervisor Conducts Final Review of the 5 Tier Performance Plan Via Menu Options - EmpowHR NOTE: Only use the Menu option ONLY after you have verified you do not have a work list action. It is very seldom that you would need to use menu options to take the review action.
-----Original Message----- From: RA.mdbeltsvi3.AMDC Sent: Tuesday, October 17, :49 PM To: donald. thompson Subject: Dickerson,Cynthia H(008510) viewed the Performance Plan for 2007 created by supervisor Thompson,Donald Martin(008509) I*CAMS has a worklist entry awaiting your action. Click on the following link to proceed to I*CAMS login screen. Note: Please do not respond back to this The Supervisor Will Receive An Notifying There IS A Worklist Action in EmpowHR
Select “internet explorer”
Enter the URL:
Read the warning and select “I agree to the above”.
Enter your EmpowHR user ID and password And click on “HRIS Sign In”
Check the worklist FIRST to See if the action is there. If the action Is there, then you should access it From the worklist. NOTE: Always check the worklist first. Actions should be worked from the Worklist when possible to prevent actions from becoming stuck on The worklist.
If the action is not on the worklist, click on “manager self-service” and use the following menu Options to access the plan to verify employee Certification.
Select “tasks”.
Select “performance”
Select “performance plan”.
Click on “existing plan”
Select the 10/01/2006 plan.
Supervisor verifies that the employee has entered the check mark to either certify the plan was “viewed/discussed” or a check mark to certify he/she “refused to sign”. NOTE: The check marks entered by the employee, supervisor, and reviewer result in the electronic signatures in the computer and on the printed hard copy document. To be a completed, filed, AD-435A, there MUST be a check mark in all 3 blocks (employee, supervisor, and reviewer). As the supervisor, you are responsible to ensure the AD-435A is accurately completed and signed in accordancewith procedure.
To print a copy of the new 5 tier performance Plan, click on “create printable form”. Printing the plan is not required.
Click on “view document”.
If the 5 Tier Performance Plan was correctly processed through ICAMS, the AD-435A document will show electronic signatures for the Employee, supervisor, and reviewing official. NOTE: An entry must be shown for all 3 (employee, supervisor, and reviewing Official) in order for the performance plan to be complete, filed, and official. This is an example of the hard copy document when the employee has Checked “viewed/discussed”.
This is an example of a hard copy AD-435A when the employee Checks “refused to sign”.
To print a hard copy of the AD-435A, click on “file” then click “print”.