Schoolwires How to modify your classroom webpage
How to Sign in Sign in under User Options.
Your username is your login Your temporary password is changeme. Once you have signed in under user options choose “Access my Info”, delete temporary password, type in a new one and click save.
How to Edit Your Pages Click on Schools to find our school.
How to Edit Your Pages Find ED9 and click on Visit Site
Accessing Your Page Click on Faculty or Staff to find your name.
Double click on your name.
Site Manager Once you are in your page click on Site Manager under User Options to start modifying your page.
Site Manager You will see a list of pages, only 3 should be check marked active: Class Schedule, Homework and Class Calendar. Click on Overview to edit your main page. Note- the site Manager does not have a log off button. When done editing close this window and log out of SchoolWires under User Options.
Overview Fill in your information. Click on Insert Image icon to insert pictures. Don’t forget to save. Click on Home to go back to main page listing your pages. Insert Image Icon OVERVIEW Everyone must complete this page. It requires an image (Photo or Clip Art), your contact info and either a bio or welcome message. Click SAVE when finished. Click HOME to go back to list of pages. OVERVIEW Everyone must complete this page. It requires an image (Photo or Clip Art), your contact info and either a bio or welcome message. Click SAVE when finished. Click HOME to go back to list of pages.
Class Schedule Click on Class Schedule to input your information. Everyone must complete this page. It requires your A Day and B Day schedule and what you teach each period. Don’t include room numbers. Do include you conferences.
Class Schedule Click on Insert Table icon to make a 2 column table; one for A Day and one for B Day. Type in your information. Click on Insert Image icon to insert pictures if you wish. Don’t forget to save. Click on Home to go back to main page listing your pages. Class Schedule Click on Insert Table icon to make a 2 column table; one for A Day and one for B Day. Type in your information. Click on Insert Image icon to insert pictures if you wish. Don’t forget to save. Click on Home to go back to main page listing your pages. Insert Table Insert Image
Homework (optional) Click on Homework to start inputting assignments. If you opt to not use HOMEWORK remove the check mark next to it making it inactive. Make a new page to replace it from the choices on slides later in this presentation. You are required to have 4 web pages. If you opt to not use HOMEWORK remove the check mark next to it making it inactive. Make a new page to replace it from the choices on slides later in this presentation. You are required to have 4 web pages.
Homework Click on New Assignment to input an assignment.
Homework Type the title and directions. Choose Date Assigned and Due Date. Scroll to the top and click on Home to go back to main page listing your pages.
Class Calendar Click on Class Calendar to input upcoming events. The Calendar is required. Put in all upcoming events for you such as testing, deadlines, field trips, meetings and the like. The Calendar is required. Put in all upcoming events for you such as testing, deadlines, field trips, meetings and the like.
Class Calendar Double click on the date of the event.
Class Calendar A box will appear asking you for the date, start and end time (if none available check off no specific time and no ending time), event title and category. Scroll down on that box and click save.
Editing a Calendar Event Events entered into the calendar can be edited or deleted. When you mouse over the event you get the following pop up box. Events entered into the calendar can be edited or deleted. When you mouse over the event you get the following pop up box.
To edit make changes to date, time, event name. Add description or websites for the event if needed. If event reoccurs set Recurrence. If event needs to be posted on campus calendar put a check next to Request Posting. Save. To edit make changes to date, time, event name. Add description or websites for the event if needed. If event reoccurs set Recurrence. If event needs to be posted on campus calendar put a check next to Request Posting. Save.
Overview (AKA Welcome) and Class Calendar are not optional. If you wish, you can replace Class Schedule and Homework pages. If you do not use CLASS SCHEDULE replace it with a CLASS PROCEDURES, CLASSROOM NEWS & EVENTS, GENERAL INFORMATION or SUPPLY LIST page. Replace the HOMEWORK page with a INTERNET LINKS, CURRICULUM RESOURCES, or a STUDENT SHOWCASE page. Teachers are require to have 4 pages minimum. You can have more.
To make a NEW page click New Page.
Pick your page type. CLASS PROCEDURES, CLASSROOM NEWS & EVENTS, GENERAL INFORMATION or SUPPLY LIST would most likely be a FLEX PAGE. Websites would go in a LINK LIBRARY and STUDENT SHOWCASE or CURRICULUM FILES such as PPTs would go in a FILE Library. Follow screen directions. Make sure to save and make active. If you need any additional help please see Jody Miranda.
Don’t forget to update your pages regularly.