CSMSS - Established on 1st July 2012 as a part of the University of Defence Pursuing an independent, rigorous, analytical and future- oriented applied research related to the security and defence of the Czech Rep. Providing advanced education of military personnel and civilians involved in security and defence policy formulation and implementation Providing knowledge-based support for decision- making at the MoD and other related authorities. MISSION
HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ Faculty of Military Health Sciences NBC Defence Institute VYŠKOV Faculty of Military Leadership University of Defence Faculty of Military Technology Language Centre Physical Training and Sport Centre Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies
Publications European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) „Defence and Strategy“ non-impacted, double-blind peer- reviewed ISSN (print) ISSN (online) two issues per year Orientation: security and strategic studies military affairs international relations other related issues. „Czech Military Review“ non-impacted, more than 50% double-blind peer-reviewed published since 1919 ISSN (print) ISSN (online) four issues per year Orientation: military science theory and methodology original research and survey topics
Military Personnel Career Education Lifelong learning program (a series of courses) Key component to meet requirements for qualifications Career growth conditions are inherently connected with further promotion in ranks and job position
Military Career Courses Structure General Staff Course General Staff Course Senior Officers Course Senior Officers Course GEN (LTC OF-3/4) Battalion CM GFOAC Platoon CM Company CM Junior Officers Course Junior Officers Course Advanced Junior Officers Course Advanced Junior Officers Course Military studies Military Thinking Crisis Management Leadership Leadership and Ethics Security and Defence Studies (Cadet OF-1) (SecLT OF-1 ) (CPT OF-2) Regiment/ Brigade CM Regiment/ Brigade CM (BG OF-5/6)
Military career courses - CSMSS responsibility Intended for advanced learning to meet the senior officer or flag officer qualification requirements. Senior Officers Course – CPT General Staff Course – LTC
COURSE DESCRIPTION SENIOR OFFICERS COURSE (SOC) Designed for officers with the rank of captain, having prerequisites for holding command and staff positions in ranks of major and lieutenant colonel. The course prepares officers for: Command positions at the level of battalion and squadron; Staff positions from the brigade, regiment, wing level of Land Force, Air Force or General Staff; Course Length – 5 months (Residential study – 2 per year) – 10 months (Combined study – 2 per year)
COURSE DESCRIPTION General Staff Course (GSC) Designed for senior officers in the rank of lieutenant colonel, having prerequisites for holding command and staff positions for the ranks of colonel and brigadier general – highest military education provided at the national level. The course prepares officers for: Command positions at the level of brigade, regiment and wing; Staff positions at the level of branch chief and head of department of the Land Force, Air Force and General Staff. Course Length – 7 months (Residential study - 1 per year)
EQUIVALENT ABROAD CAREER COURSES SOC and GSC ABROAD RMO 102_14-SOC_and_GSC_equivalents.doc Since 2016 (latest CZE MoD career education concept) acknowledged only after completion of respective NATIONAL MINIMUM SUPPLEMENT (NMS) course
NATIONAL MINIMUM SUPPLEMENT (NMS) COURSE FOCUS NMS Senior Officers Course and General Staff Course Foreign, Security and Defence Policies of Czech Republic Crisis Management in Czech Republic Operational Use of Czech Air Force and Land Force Operational / Strategic / Management and National Defence Planning Course Length – 2 months (Combined study – 1 per year)
SUM UP General Staff Course - Flag Ship Research on Defence Sector Future Development Analytical Support to the MOD International Cooperation Promotion of Military Science (Journals) Doctrinal Activities